“I am sorry that the government’s choice was in sharp contrast to Piedmont, instead of taking it as an examplePresident Cirio commented on a provision, he underlines, that “aims to guarantee more security for its citizens, introducing an extra level of control to protect the health of children and young people, school personnel and grandparents ”.
«The government’s appeal of the Piedmont Ordinance was a a proper act and a gesture of common sense“This is what government sources say about the suspension of the Tar.” The appeal presented, the sources explain, picked up the disappointment of the entire regional school community and tried to avoid inconvenience to schools and families, who saw their safety rules altered within hours of the resumption. Rules shared by all regions, including Piedmont, since June. The final judgment is now awaited with serenity and respect. But the conviction remains that changing the rules during the race was not respectful of the schools and families that have long prepared for this restart.
«The measure is effective and the proven proof of its operation has actually taken place in these days, in which 4 positive children were isolated by measuring their temperature at school. In this way, 4 outbreaks were avoided with all the consequences that this would have entailed ”. Thus, the Councilor for Health of the Piedmont Region, Luigi Genesio Icardi.
Wednesday night the lawyer Vittorio Barosio sent a 30-page document to the TAR where the lawyer defended the provision that obliges institutions to verify if families have actually measured their children’s fever before sending them to class, as required by the state.
In fact, the government gives full responsibility to parents, but does not require any supervision by the schools. This is where the Piedmontese document adds an “extra piece”: «I impose the institutions to verify that the families have fulfilled their duty – explains Cirio -. And they can do it in the way that suits them best: have it written in the journal, with a self-certification, using the electronic registry or with the tool that they consider most appropriate. This, before the teaching activity begins: and therefore, in this case too, teachers can choose to do it in the courtyard or in the classroom ».
If the student does not have a self-certification, then in that case, the school must measure his fever. The arguments must have convinced the Tar, who rejected the suspension.. The Piedmontese order will therefore remain valid until the hearing. The chamber hearing for the ordinary discussion of the suspension petition before the entire Board was set for October 14.
The suspension of the regional decree that obliges schools to control the temperature of students before lessons “would lead to a reduction in the level of protection against contagion in Piedmont schools.” Piedmont Tar President Vincenzo Salamone writes, in precautionary decree 446/2020. “Without the regional measures referred to in the contested decree, only the state regulation would remain with its invitation to ‘involve’ families in the control of children’s temperature, not assisted by any specific verification mechanism – adds the president of the Regional Administrative Court of Piedmont – and the schools would not be obliged to verify that the students present in the institutes are not really carriers of symptoms with serious risks of spreading the infection ”.
September 17, 2020 | 12:42