He had just published the article yesterday, September 28. ” Come on come on come on“, in which I expressed all my concern, not only and not so much, for the partial reopening of the stadiums, strongly desired by the FIGC in a continuous asphyxiation, pressing on politics, as much as on what has been declared “weak positivity of a player from Genoa.
Suddenly, late at night, news of Ben’s positivity towards Covid came through. 14 members from Genoa.
This after the match played in Naples, a few hours after the positive result of the Genoa goalkeeper and the postponement ( Three hours !!!) the same day of the game.
Even then, a logical and protected suspension of the race was called for – now, in hindsight, it has been revealed as due fact.
And while we try to metabolize the news, in the sites we try to minimize the pandemic event, even raising doubts about this collective positivity.
Only one certainty emerges from all this; medical science, which must guarantee people’s health, and to which football must also be subjected, don’t really know what to do.
But the most serious thing about this fact, which is already very serious in itself, is the repercussions on “freak” football.
Beyond the just requests for postponement of the next game that Genoa should play, (with what lineup?) The comments and statements of “concern” are astonished if the Turin game is not played; respecting the calendar“… Torino should appeal, asking to play on Saturday anyway” (cf. www.gazzetta.it, of September 28, 2020).
Facing the sport
Especially as a consequence of the lack of each and every one of the rules that the FIGC should have predetermined, according to the provisions of UEFA, regarding the minimum number of players, not affected by viruses, necessary to be able to play the game.
Honey ” Cry of pain“The CEO of Lega Serie A was raised (see Lorenzo Di Benedetto’s www. Tuttoomercatoweb.com) not to bring serenity and tranquility, but to affirm that”football is at the center of Italians’ free time and must be protected”Underlining the economic damage that football is suffering.
Not even a statement of awareness of the health emergency situation that has arisen: only income from television rights and investments in sports facilities count, of which the limitations of “Superintendencies that should not block the restructuring of the francs.. ”(cf. ibidem).
Alfredo Parisi
President of Federsupporter