
the February 12 Finally, two weeks before Codogno sprouts me Vo ‘Euganeo that started the epidemic of coronavirus in Italy, the government already knew everything. Republic reveals the content of the report seen from Scientific technical committee that day to delineate what impact the Covid-19 that was hitting at that time would have on the country Wuhan. The study, conducted by a researcher from the Bruno Kessler Foundation, Stefano merler, already highlighted all the criticalities of the sanitary system Italian, not prepared to handle what was much more than “a trivial flu.”

The expert had considered two scenarios, the contagion index at 1.3 and 1.7: “In the first scenario – writes Repubblica, who saw the files – the contagion cases in Italy would have been approximately one million, in the second, even due. Of these, severe cases requiring treatment range from 200 and 400 thousand. The total need for beds in intensive care vary from 60 and 120 thousand. At the peak, the study says, there would have been a gap of about 10 thousand beds in intensive care units. The document does not estimate the number of deaths, but according to Merler, the fatality rate registered at that time in China applied to the Italian scenarios produced a frightening result: between 35 and 60 thousand dead of Covid-19. Note that 35,472 is the number of registered deaths until yesterday in Italy. “A shocking precision, as well as the delay with which the prime minister is disconcerting Giuseppe ConteThe Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the rest of the government faced the looming danger, given that the first effective measures only arrived on March 8. almost a month later.