Shortly after lunch time Roberto Speranza, Franco Locatelli me Silvio Brusaferro get to Palazzo Chigi. The Minister of Health and the two scientists of the CTS (Scientific Technical Committee) are summoned by Mario draghi. The President of the Council seems concerned about the European context, and about a bulletin that still registers many victims in the last 24 hours, 551. For this reason, together with the Minister of Health and the heads of the Brusaferro and Locatelli Technical Scientific Committee, the former Governor of the ECB reviews the evolution of infections in different areas of the country, the trend of intensive care, stopping where the alert level is exceeded.
In the hour and a half of confrontation Draghi wants to know all the numbers. In short, it wants to be a comprehensive follow-up for the next decree. During the meeting, the measures of the provision that will follow the decree that expires on April 6 were not examined. Draghi would like loosen restrictions but only if there is an rreduction in the number of infections. The control room will take care of this, which should already be convened today and which will examine, among other things, the delicate school dossier. Several ministers are calling for a return to classes up to the sixth grade, even in the red zone. And on the other hand, Draghi himself had promised that the school would be the first to reopen as soon as conditions permit. Position confirmed by the Minister of Education, Patrick Bianchi, During the meeting by videoconference with Municipalities and Provinces: We work day and night to be able to reopen, starting with the smallest who must be the first to return to class.
Also at the Palazzo Chigi during the long day of summits and bilaterals, the undersecretary Roberto Garofoli had a confrontation with the Minister of Regional Affairs Mariastella gelmini and the minister Hope. A first face-to-face in which the three began to think about the anti-Covid measures to take when the decree expired.
March 23, 2021 (change March 23, 2021 | 23:08)