fears and excesses in the schools of Veneto


One Aged? It could be Covid. So everyone at home, quarantined. Not even the moment to enjoy the return to classes, the novelty of the live lessons, even if they are spaced, with masks, desks with or without wheels but no longer glued, that copying in times of coronavirus is a feat. And here the magic of the safe school stops. A positive classmate in kindergarten, the whole class was sent home.

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The teacher searched the school for the skillful substitute teachers, but too many empty chairs

The same goes for high school, all sent back to mom and dad. It happened in the Treviso area, where two positives in two separate schools led to the isolation of home for everyone. Taxes exaggeratedly? Never like at the Venetian, where a 9-year-old student was rejected and forced to quarantine for being at home on the first day of school: she had a little diarrhea, but as the symptom is among those covered by Covid there is a need for self-declaration on the part of the family. Except that in some regions self-declaration is contemplated after three days of absence, in Veneto already in the first.

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School, what happens in Treviso

A fifth of the Da Vinci scientific high school in Treviso and a section of the first year of the kindergarten of the Sister Maria Veronica parish in San Michele di Piave, a village of Cimadolmo, were quarantined after two cases were determined positive: a high school student and a girl of just three years. So the two entire classes were put in isolation: all at home awaiting the controls carried out by the working group of the Usl de Marca Trevigiana. They will not go to school for the next few days. In kindergarten, the quarantine also began for teachers. Children will be able to return to class only when the absence of Covid-19 is also confirmed by the second control swab, performed 48 hours after the first. Treviso Mayor Mario Conte asked families not to neglect any symptoms of their children: “When a child has a cold or a sore throat, he should stay home.”

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School, what happens in Venice

Two cases also in the province of Venice. In the Valli di Chioggia kindergarten, a child was sent home because his eyes were watering. Covid symptom or seasonal allergy as the mother claims? The pediatrician will decide. In Mira, however, the 9-year-old girl who stayed home on the first day of school because she had a little diarrhea was sent to put on a tampon and will have to remain in quarantine.

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A stomachache day and the whole family ends up isolated

OBJECTIVES A single day of school absence due to any of the symptoms that could be associated with Covid -from a cold to an attack of diarrhea- and quarantine is triggered for the student, with the obligation of the tampon and with the parents forced to stay home from work.

The reactions
In this regard, the presidential candidate in Veneto for the 5 Stars, Enrico Cappelletti and the pentastelada senator Orietta Vanin intervened, who denounced the confusing application in some schools of the region of the prevention regulations for Covid, with “children and families in isolation after one day of absence. ”“ Having received several reports from many families, said Cappelletti and Vanin, we would like to highlight a significant issue related to self-declaration for readmission to school after an absence for health reasons that are not suspicious of Covid-19. There have been cases of children sent home after a day for having even had a single symptom of those associated with Covid (for example the cold), with the obligation of quarantine for children and their parents, waiting for the results of the swab.. It’s crazy. “

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According to the two pentastelado exponents, this would be a consequence of the circular issued by the Veneto Region and the relative interpretation of the law approved by the Ministry: “The return to school form speaks of absence but the days are not defined, this is due Because in the circular issued, the Veneto Region does not speak of three days, as explained in the Ministry’s regulations, but one. Therefore, for one day of absence, children must have the certification of both pediatricians and general practitioners ».

Covid, how to go back to school safely? From masks to absences: questions and answers

Coronavirus Back to class: questions and answers. Masks, recreation, absences, suspicious cases, teachers and students: how to behave and what to do, rules and prohibitions. The big day has arrived. As of September 14 we go back to school. In fact, amidst a thousand controversies and difficulties, Italian classrooms will finally return to receive their students.

Last updated: 14:44

