Fear on the Ales-Oristano bus: “A window explodes, the windows hit a 14-year-old boy”


“We want new buses and not more crowded. Means that put the health of our children at risk in this delicate moment of health emergency.”

Even Alta Marmilla parents have raised their voices about inadequate school transportation service at the time of Covid-19.

In the eye of the storm the line that from Ales, passing through Morgongiori, accompanies about forty students in the secondary schools of Oristano.

A 42-year-old mother of Ales became a spokesperson for the unrest of the families of the two countries and also recounted a misfortune that happened to her 14-year-old daughter this morning: “During the stop in Morgongiori, the window next to my daughter it suddenly exploded and pieces of glass ended up on her. Fortunately only a small cut on her finger. An accident that shows how old these buses are and they need to be replaced. It often rains inside and the children cannot sit on the wet seats. ” What about overcrowding in vehicles? “Unsustainable situation. A lot of distance in schools and our children travel like sardines, despite the containment of contagions. The biggest problems when returning, too many students, more means are needed,” concluded Ales’s mother.
