FDA Green Light for Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine – North America


The US FDA has cleared the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The green light from the Food and Drug Administration actually gives the green light for the immediate distribution of millions of doses of the vaccine in the US, about 2.9 million. The first to be vaccinated, according to criteria already established by the FDA, will be front-line hospital and medical personnel and guests of nursing homes and long-term care. The FDA green light came after a tense day in which, according to some sources cited by the Washington Post, the White House would have threatened to torpedo the federal agency’s number one, Stephen Hahn, if the authorization for use of the vaccine had not arrived on Friday. The administration will be free.

US President Donald Trump said that vaccinations against Covid-19 will begin in the country “in less than 24 hours”, after the FDA gives the green light to the distribution of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. “We’ve already started shipping the vaccine to every state,” Trump said in a video on Twitter. “The pandemic may have started in China, but we are ending it right here in the United States,” he added, crediting his country for having performed a “medical miracle” by developing “a safe and effective vaccine in less than nine months. “. “.