Fauci, Trump virologist in solitary confinement


The leading American infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, a member of the American anti-Covid-19 task force, entered solitary confinement after contacting an infected member of the White House staff. Make a negative result so far and you will be checked regularly.I am also in quarantine Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, Stephen Hahn.

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Fauci did not perform a full quarantine, unlike Dr. Stephen Hahn, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, another health expert on the 14-day isolated task force; Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exposed to contact with a White House virus positive person, quarantined for 14 days, CNN also reports. Fauci’s self-isolation will consist of working from home, wearing a mask constantly for two weeks. Fauci himself explained that he could also go to his office at the National Institute of Health, where he would be alone. They will clean it every day, added the virologist, reporting that the first test, carried out on Friday, was negative. If summoned to the White House or the Capitol, he will take all necessary precautions. His testimony to the Senate on the crisis caused by the epidemic is expected next week. Redfield and Hahn to testify via video conference. If Fauci’s health changes, he, too, may have to disclose his testimony remotely.

The news comes after the exchange of accusations between Donald Trump and his predecessor, Barack Obama.. The virus will pass without a vaccine, Trump said, while 1,600 deaths are recorded in 24 hours in the United States and the total exceeds 77,000. Trump. Another slip in the US response to the pandemic according to Barack Obama, who described the response to the pandemic as an absolute chaotic disaster, in a private phone call with his former collaborators in which he also invited to fight in the next elections against this tendency to long term. Being selfish, tribal, divided, and seeing others as enemies, which has become a stronger drive in American life.

But as the president pushes for a partial reopening that affects 47 of the 50 states since Sunday, the invisible enemy is also conquering the White House fort, infecting at least three employees and getting closer to the tycoon. The last was the personal assistant to Ivanka Trump, daughter and adviser to the President, as well as the wife of Jared Kushner, also an assistant to the commander-in-chief. The pair was tested yesterday and was negative. The first had been a magnate’s personal assistant a few days ago: a member of the navy who is part of a military elite dedicated to helping the President and the first family, especially in their apartments in the East Wing. He took special care of his wardrobe. Thursday was the turn of Katie Waldman, spokeswoman for Vice President Mike Pence and wife of another Trump adviser, Sthepen Miller, the immigration policy hawk and author of most of the tycoons’ speeches. He also had no symptoms and the test was negative the day before. The news forced Pence to delay the flight to Iowa, even if the spokeswoman was not with him: in fact, it was necessary to prove to six other collaborators who were already on board the plane that they had been in contact with the woman, all negative results but quarantined. Daily tested and pure Trump and Pence submitted to a new control and passed it, but for them there was no isolation. The coronavirus also affected Secret Service agents, the agency that protects the President and the most important personalities in the United States: there are currently 11 infected employeeswhile 23 others are cured and 60 are quarantined, but it is unclear if any of them served in the White House. Then also Stephen Hahn, head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a member of the White House task force against covid-19 in quarantine, after coming into contact with a positive individual. And Fauci.

But virus attacks inside the White House walls did not change the behavior of Trump, who did not wear the mask even yesterday when he approached seven nearly centennial veterans of World War II. Not even Pence, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and most White House leaders use it, though after the latest cases stricter security protocols have been adopted to control staff and visitors, with temperature measurement and rapid tests. Using them would mean sending a message in contrast to trying to minimize risks.. The only masks Trump likes are those with his name and the Keep America great voting slogan brought to him by his campaign manager Brad Parscale. And to whom do you plan to sell your fans when you resume your protests

May 10, 2020 (change May 10, 2020 | 09:24)

