of Glenda venturini
The ordinance signed by President Eugenio Giani contains all the operational indications necessary to manage the Covid problem in schools. “Tuscany as a whole is doing an extraordinary job to fight the epidemic. While you wait for the vaccine, common sense and responsibility will make the difference “
Quick swabs arriving for schools and educational services in Tuscany: The novelty, along with some updated operational indications for the management of subjects with suspected symptoms of Covid 19 and their re-entry to class or the workplace, are contained in the ordinance signed today, October 12, by the President of the Region Toscana, Eugenio Giani, following the evolution of the epidemic and, in particular, to strengthen all possible prevention actions.
At the first suspicious symptoms in children and school workers. (fever over 37.5 ° C, or cough, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, sore throat, diarrhea, alteration or loss of smell and taste) Precise preventive operating procedures are adopted to counteract the spread of infection and for immediate diagnosis using the rapid antigen swab.
Among the novelties, in fact, the arrival of the rapid test, which will be developed in stages: “Rapid antigen tests are available from Az. USL Toscana Centro from 12/10/2020 and from 10/19/2020 in the other UU.SS.LL“reads text. Antigen test (or swab if not available) is reserved online and will have the highest priority for school operators and students. Rapid test result can be delivered immediately (if immunometric) or at most in 24 hours: if it is negative, you can return to school with a medical certificate, if it is positive, you need a confirmation molecular swab.
The new ordinance (here the full text of the annex) also clearly explains how family members should behave of children and young people who ended up in quarantine for a case at school: “Pending the result of the swab, the student or the school worker must remain at home in fiduciary isolation, while there is no restriction on school contacts and partners, with the exception of the student’s brothers / sisters or children of the operator from the school who attends the nursery or kindergarten and who cannot attend until the negative test result In this case, the return to the community of the student’s brothers / sisters or the school worker’s children waiting for the swab It can be done without any certification if previously communicated by the family.“.
Finally, with today’s Ordinance, more detailed provisions are given for each type of eventuality: from the clinical conditions that allow the swab / test and where to perform it (on the road, at the Usca home), to how to behave in the event of a negative or positive rapid antigenic swab, or positive, negative or low-charge molecular tests.
“We leave nothing to chance and constantly monitor the progress of the epidemic, in accordance with national guidelines – says Giani –. We are experiencing an unprecedented health emergency, but all together we are doing an extraordinary job to counter an insidious enemy, which in recent months we have learned to recognize. If we continue to act with common sense and responsibility, we can get the best out of Covid. The school and the health personnel are giving their all, as are the families and the children themselves, who have understood well how important it is that everyone do their part. Quick swabs will allow us immediate responses in terms of diagnosis and traceability, allowing us to properly manage any situation that may endanger not only individual health, but that of the entire community ”.