Many are mourning his death today at age 70, after an illness that had seen him wipe away, but which did not lose his traditional way of doing and participating in the life of the city. Gallerist, art historian, writer, essayist, Daverio was born in Mulhouse in Alsace on October 17, 1949 to an Italian father, Napoleone Daverio, a builder and an Alsatian mother, Aurelia Hauss. He was the fourth of six siblings and had had a 19th century education, even without graduating. Everyone in Milan had known him since the 1970s when he opened his “Galleria Philippe Daverio”, in via Monte Napoleone 6, where he mainly dealt with the avant-garde movements of the first half of the 20th century. He opened a second one in New York in 1986. As a gallery owner and editor, he has held numerous exhibitions and published some fifty titles, among which we remember: Reasoned catalog of the work of Giorgio De Chirico between 1924 and 1929; General and reasoned catalog of Gino Severini’s work.

Philippe Daverio, the last popularizer of art on television, has died
His feat outside the art world, the leap into politics took place in 1993, when he was called to be commissioner of Education and Culture by the first mayor of Milan of the Northern League, Marco Formentini. At Palazzo Marino, Daverio was soon recognized for his vast erudition but also for that taste for provocation that led him to face, for example, mothers who protested the long waiting lists in nurseries. Daverio accused them of not wanting to care for their children, sparking a spate of controversy. After the political interlude, Daverio returned to dealing with art, but also landed on television. Here he became a face loved by a wide public who recognized his great ability to spread the themes of art throughout history. Which he also proposed with formats dedicated to traveling through Italy.

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Minister Franceschini: an intellectual of extraordinary humanity
“Intellectual of extraordinary humanity, skilled disseminator of culture, sensitive and refined historian of art. With sagacity and passion, he accompanied Italians and Italians in the fascinating discovery of architecture, landscapes, creative expression, artists, sources of our cultural heritage. All this was Philippe Daverio, a man whose great intelligence and critical spirit I have always appreciated and that we all lack. ”This is what the Minister of Heritage and Cultural Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini, has done after know the news of the death of Philippe Daverio.
Mayor Sala: “Your freedom of thought always caught my attention”
“With Philippe Daverio, one of the great protagonists of Milan’s cultural life in recent decades disappears. Daverio was a lover of Milan to whom he has always given the strength of his originality and competence, from the La Scala Town Hall to the Museum del Duomo and Brera. I have seen him work in many situations, I have not always shared his positions, but his freedom of thought has always caught my attention. ”So, on Facebook, the mayor of Milan, Beppe Sala. “Above all, Milan and Italy owe to the international spirit and the communicative capacity of Philippe their fight in defense of the beauty and art of our country, of which he was a tireless and brilliant promoter. Thank you Philippe and ‘hail Italy’! “.
Salvini: “I had a Renaissance curiosity”
“A moving thought and a prayer for Philippe Daverio. A great man of culture, capable with his unmistakable style of telling Italians about the extraordinary artistic heritage of our country”, writes the leader of the League. Matteo salvini. “His commitment and curiosity knew no limits, from diffusion to academic study, where science, music, gastronomy, painting, literature were conceived as something unique, rooted in the history and geography of the Italian territories that From north to south he has never tired of crossing far and wide. “
Governor Fontana: “It was brilliant, in some ways unique”
“Brilliant, in some ways unique. Passion and competition have characterized his life, always marked by an energy and a desire to disrupt. He had Lombardy in his heart and he demonstrated it a thousand times with essays, novels, videos and the many other expressions, “said the president of the Lombardy region Attilio fontana. “The Region and the Lombards will always remember him with affection and with that familiarity that he knew how to transmit in a unique way. Thank you for all the teacher, rest in peace ”.
Minister Gualtieri: “I was doing TV about art of the highest quality”
“I am very sorry for Philippe Daverio, he was a great art historian and has shown that he can make television on art of the highest quality,” said the Minister of Economy. Roberto Gualtieri, guest of Agorà Estate, in Rai Tre.
“My friend … your silence forever is a heartbreaking cry this morning,” he wrote. Shammah on Instagram, giving news on social networks of the death of his friend. Commented Emanuele Fiano from Pd: “Andree Ruth #Shammah unfortunately gives us the news of the death of Philippe #Daverio, a man of great culture, sympathy and humanity. A great loss for # Milan and for everyone. I am very saddened by his disappearance. land “.” A very serious loss – added the president of the Milan provincial Anpi Roberto Cenati – for the country, for Milan, for culture, for everyone “.