Family infections and contacts, 15 positive in Piceno: “We need responsible behavior”


ASCOLI – After Black Wednesday, yesterday the situation in Piceno was again quite calm. From the data provided yesterday afternoon, in more than 400 tampons processed the positives are 15.

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Three in the municipality of Cupra, two of which belong to the same family unit, one person positive for Covid-19 ad Ascoli, one in S. Benedetto, 5 in Offida and two in Lisciano and 3 in Castignano. Also yesterday, Prevention Department investigations continued to track the infections of the 28 people who tested positive Wednesday.

But the situation that has arisen in the Piceno area raises more than one concern on the part of the health authorities of the Vast Area 5. Massimo Baffoni, director of the Simple Epidemiology Unit of the area, has thought about calling everyone to a more responsable. Vasta 5. Usually very reserved, Massimo Baffoni has decided to take to the field, precisely because the situation is becoming extremely worrying. “The first invitation that should be made to people – explains the head of the Epidemiology service – is to maintain responsible behavior. There is no doubt that in recent times the meshes of the network, at least in our territory, have expanded producing visible effects for everyone. In this way we run the risk of undermining, if not that has not already happened, what was done during the confinement. This means avoiding crowds and wearing masks. What absolutely must be avoided is that we go from a situation of lack of prudence to a situation of generalized panic that could have devastating effects. If you ask me how the epidemic is going to evolve in our territory, I answer that everything will depend on our behavior. The more virtuous they are, the greater the risk that the contagion will worsen. What you have to understand in situations of this type is that we must constantly monitor two parameters: space and time. In the sense that any micro-sprout must be contained in very small areas in short time intervals. The next few weeks should be kept under surveillance on the evolution of the epidemic, because the opening of schools and elections could give a new impetus to the spread of Covid-19. In short, we must be good at getting through these two steps and we will succeed if we all behave responsibly. Clear words from the man who is considered the greatest expert in Epidemiology of Vast Area 5. Meanwhile, of the nine positives registered in Offida, two are boys who play in the lower categories of the local soccer team. Thus, to our knowledge, the infection occurred on a farm where there were several guests from outside the region. And to understand Massimo Baffoni’s call for responsible behavior, there is an episode that occurred in the hospital, when a person entered the hospital without fever, but was immediately blocked by a nurse because he was sweating profusely and breathing with difficulty. The swab was positive. Only later was it discovered that the man had taken two tachypyrines home to lower his fever.

The vote in the hospital
And concern in Vast Zone 5 also for the September 20 elections, because a government provision provides that the sick can participate in the vote. This means the admission to hospitals of different people and material, potential vehicles of contagion and transmission of Covid-19.

