Florence, October 15, 2020 – An agreement has been reached these days between the Ausl Toscana Centro and the representatives of the union organizations Fimmg for the execution of the nasopharyngeal swab for infection with COVID-19 for him family doctors in the territories of the Vast Center Area, that is, the provinces of Florence, Prato and Pistoia. The agreement refers to the execution of the traditional pad and not the fast one, which will instead be available according to future definitions.
This allows youn differential diagnosis of suspected cases from those with influenza syndrome and aims to reduce waiting times for diagnosis and reduce waiting lists for local services. Taking care of the patient in the area, in a short time, helps to guarantee a generalized territorial assistance, avoiding the overload of hospital admissions, as well as defining an adequate therapeutic path from diagnosis to recovery.
The project includes one voluntary participation by the GP. A specific route will be established within the territorial scope for the delivery of swabs, personal protective equipment and for the delivery of samples to local laboratories.
There is no type of payment by the customer. Once the test is done, the doctor accepts and delivers the sample to laboratory.
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