The woman fell on Saturday, September 5 while in the Torre d’Ambiez.
A 49-year-old woman from Bergamo was transferred urgently by helicopter in serious condition to the Santa Chiara hospital in Trento after falling a few meters on the face of Diedro Armani – Torre d’Ambiéz (Brenta Dolomitas).
The woman was approaching the long quarter from the first rope when, for reasons to be determined, she fell violently on the rock and lost consciousness. The alarm from the Unique Emergency Number 112 came around 11:40 from the three colleagues who came in two different consortiums.
The coordinator of the Western Trentino Alpine and Speleological Rescue Operational Area requested the intervention of the helicopter. By chance, a rescuer from the San Lorenzo station in Banale was nearby and, before the helicopter arrived, he managed to reach the consortium to bring him to safety, provide first aid to the injured person and stabilize him to allow it. recovery by helicopter.
Once on the scene, the helicopter lifted the Helicopter Rescue Technician to the wall, who, with the rescuer’s support, recovered the injured man on board. While the woman was being transferred to the Santa Chiara de Trento hospital, the operator of the San Lorenzo in Banale Station, supported by an Alpine Guide who was on site, assisted the three uninjured companions in the descent to the base of the face and, subsequently, he accompanied them safely downstream.