A Christmas that will be recorded in the history of humanity, that of this 2020. First of all, Christmas 2020 can be viewed from the way it was approached and celebrated by Catholic Church and by the Pope.
The Christmas mass of Bergoglio it took place via streaming. With this we have one more proof of what we have been referring to for some time, namely, the fact that the Church of Bergoglio bowed and knelt before him. new religion medical-scientist of therapeutic capitalism. He chose to renounce the salvation of souls to surrender to the indisputable dogma of the salvation of bodies.
Bergoglio pointed out once more that the Church has dissolved and dissolved inliquid atheism of the consumerist civilization.
Do not go unnoticed, then, that Bergoglio celebrated i vaccinations. Vaccines for everyone, starting with the most weak: he insisted a lot on this. We could say, with the well-known passage of the sacred texts: blessed are the last because they will be the Guinea pigs ideals of the new therapeutic capitalism.
Bergoglio also stated that we are all in the same boat: a proposal false and in bad faith. It is enough to compare the various masters of electronic commerce capitalism, the multinational giants and the great lords of finance, with the worker, the precarious, the restaurateur in poverty thanks to confinement … We are not all in the same boat, dear Bergoglio.
RadioAttività, flashes of thought with Diego Fusaro