Facebook blocks Alain Cocq’s ‘death live’ video – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 05 – “Facebook blocked the transmission of videos until September 8. Now it’s your turn”: so says Alan Cocq himself, an incurable patient who yesterday announced that he wants to suspend nutrition and medications and broadcast his death live, announces the decision of the social network on his profile.

Cocq had asked French President Emmanuel Macron to submit to euthanasia, in repeal of the end of life law in force in the country. The drastic decision after the denial, motivated by the impossibility of acting against the law.

“Do not stop letting people know what you think of Facebook and its methods of unfair discrimination and obstacle to freedom of expression,” Cocq urges his supporters who continue to support his battle, a right that is nonetheless inalienable for any citizen . French and European “.

“Call your French and European deputies, your senators, the government, the Presidency of the Republic – he adds – to protest against the violation of this fundamental right by Facebook, so that it ceases immediately.” (HANDLE).