Extraordinary competition, those who do not pass may obtain the grade – School News


There is one aspect to highlight about the extraordinary competition for paper: What about candidates who fail the test? They can obtain the teaching qualification.

Those who fail can qualify

In fact, as governed by the call for the extraordinary competition to access the position “,After drawing up the ranking of merits, the commission also proceeds, for common places, to compile an unqualified list of subjects who have obtained a score of at least 56 points out of 80 in the writing. The evaluation of qualifications is not included in the expected fee.“.

These “Subjects can access the procedures for the acquisition of the title, which will be governed by a subsequent decree of the Minister in accordance with art. 1, paragraph 13 of the Decree Law. The achievement of the teaching qualification does not give the right to be a State employee“.

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Therefore, those who do not fit within the quota relative to the entry into the position, will be able to “console themselves” with the qualification.

Extraordinary competition at the start, on October 7, the live special of Tecnica della Scuola Live

We remind you that there is an extraordinary procedure only for the degree to teach, but at the moment the time is not known.

32,000 seats are up for grabs for 64,000 candidates

We remind you that the places available for the extraordinary school competition for the role that I am 32 thousand and the 64,000 requests for participation arrived. The procedure, which will begin on next October 22, provides proof of five open questions and a question, made up of a text in English followed by five open comprehension questions aimed at verifying the ability to understand the text at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, as regards common places.

The five questions aimed at knowing the knowledge and disciplinary and didactic-methodological skills in relation to the disciplines that are taught “, can be worth a total score of 15 points, while being assigned to the language question 5 points.

With respect to support posts, the extraordinary school contest includes five open questions, aimed at knowing the teaching methodologies to be applied to the different types of disability, as well as to evaluate the knowledge of the contents and procedures aimed at the school inclusion of students with disabilities and a question, It consists of a text in English followed by five open comprehension questions designed to verify the ability to understand the text at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The duration of the test is 150 minutes, “without prejudice to the additional times referred to in art. 20 of the law of February 5, 1992, n. 104 “.

Legal retrogression of contracts until September 1, 2020

Winners will be hired for the next three years. These teachers will still have one legal retroaction of the contract to September 1 2002, which means that, in case of being hired as of September 1, 2021, these teachers will have legal effect as of September 1, 2020.

In addition, the Ministry has published a note that also provides health information for the Candidates who will take the extraordinary contest test.
