Extraordinary competition, rehearsal from October 22. Tomorrow at the Gazzetta. With fever and flu symptoms there is no access


According to reports from Il Sole 24 Ore, the extraordinary competition will begin on October 22. Confirming our anticipation that you wanted the contest to start in the middle of the month. Testing will continue until mid-November. Tomorrow the dates will be published in the Official Gazette and this afternoon there will be a briefing to the Ministry.

Security measures

Inside the enclosure where the tests will be carried out, anti-covid measures will be implemented starting from the distance between one station and another to carry out the test by computer. Before entry, the temperature will be checked with the thermocanner. Those who have a fever of 37.5 or more or simple respiratory symptoms will not be able to access. Those who are in quarantine will not be able to participate in the test and there will be no complementary test at the moment.

The forbidden places are 32 thousand, the applications are around 64 thousand. All venues by region and competition class

Try it in case of a health emergency

A single test is planned. The test will be carried out in the region indicated in the application or, if epidemiological conditions require it, in the region specifically indicated for the test.

The computer-written exam

  • The written test, which will be approved with a minimum score of 56/80, will be computerized, divided by competition class and type of place.
  • The duration of the test is one hundred and fifty minutes, without prejudice to the additional times referred to in art. 20 of
    Law of February 5, 1992, n. 104.

Written exam of common places: 5 questions + 1 English

The Common Places Written Test is aimed at Assessment of disciplinary and didactic-methodological knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to understand the text in English and is structured as follows:

to. five open questions, aimed at knowing the disciplinary and didactic-methodological knowledge and competences in relation to the disciplines that are taught;
second. a question, consisting of a text in English followed by of five open comprehension questions designed to verify the ability to understand the text at level B2 of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

Written exam for support positions

The objective of the written test of support places is to know the teaching methodologies to be applied to the different types of disabilities, as well as to evaluate the knowledge of the contents and procedures aimed at the school inclusion of students with disabilities, as well as the ability to understand the text in English and is articulated as follows:

to. five open questions, aimed at learning about the teaching methodologies to be applied to the different types of disabilities, as well as evaluating the knowledge of the contents and procedures aimed at the school inclusion of students with disabilities;

second. One question, consisting of a text in English followed by five open-ended comprehension questions aimed at checking the ability to understand the text at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Written test of English language proficiency classes

The written test for the English language proficiency classes is carried out entirely in English and consists of 6 open questions designed to evaluate relative knowledge and disciplinary and didactic-methodological skills.

The questions in the competition classes related to the rest of foreign languages ​​are made in the respective languages, without prejudice to the assessment of the ability to understand the English text at level B2 with the question in English.

The programs

Annex C – Written Exam Programs
Errata Corrects Annex C – Written Exam Programs

Valuable titles

Annex D – Table of evaluable grades
