Extraordinary competition, no problem for the CTS: it can be done, the tests start on October 22



Green light from the Scientific Technical Committee for the extraordinary contest of secondary and high school teachers that must begin on October 22 and end on November 16.

The way the tests are organized, spread over different days and in different places so that more than a few dozen people never get together, there are no risks, say experts from the Ministry of Health.

the Corriere della Sera.

School competitions: extraordinary, ordinary secondary, ordinary infantile and primary. Dates and tests, all the info

However, there is no shortage of perplexities on the subject. In recent days, several politicians from the Sardinia they opposed the possibility of a trip by Sardinian teachers to other places to take the test. The request comes from the majority forces of the Regional Council of Sardinia and the reasons lie in the risks to the health of the island’s teachers, some 3,000, called to face long journeys: “Our teachers have the right to participate in competitions in safety conditions and on equal terms with teachers from other regions of Italy. – says the President of the Assembly of Sardinia Michele Pais (Lega) – I think we need one more moment of reflection to try to see if it is appropriate, at a time as difficult as this due to the epidemiological emergency, to allow our temporary workers to move ”.

The case will come to the Chamber next Wednesday with some motions.

“We will evaluate the opportunity to approve an agenda that commits the Council to insist with the Ministry of Education to evaluate the possibility of postponing this contest”, announces Country.

The first signer of one of the motions is the director of FdI Fausto Piga.

“They were the same teachers – Explain – ask to be able to intervene to protect the student population and Sardinian families, blocking the performance of the contest tests until the end of the pandemic emergency of the coronavirus ”.

The goal, clarifies, “It is to approve a unitary and transversal measure to strengthen the attractiveness of precarious Sardinian workers.”

Extraordinary competition for the position: lists of commissioners. Some regions reopen UPDATED apps

