Extraordinary competition: “I have to go to Campania, I am afraid”, “From Foggia to Sicily, I am afraid of getting sick”. Social and political explode



Campania closes schools to teaching, it will only be done online with students at home to limit infections. The worrying data from the Region led the Governor to take a drastic measure until October 30.

DaD, not DaD, whether to close or not are not the only issues that have occupied social networks and politics after the Campania decision.

In fact, social media and politics have put at the center of the debate the opportunity to celebrate the competition for the extraordinary presidency in full increase of Covid cases.

Many interventions in the comments to the publications about the closure of the Campania schools.

I have to go to Campania…. I fear … for my health and my family upon my return. At the same time I want to teach at any cost … why do I have to find myself in this dilemma?

Now the point for us is not whether or not we will do the competition in 10 days, but that in the meantime they will make us die with a broken heart.

It must be postponed! move so many people but let’s joke !!! Is it a contest or an execution !!!!! ??

A competition in the middle of a health emergency is actually a contradiction. But it is also a contradiction not to allow teachers to work in their own provinces. Even our constant movements are a risk for everyone. Find a solution. Let’s work together with our children.

I from Foggia should support him in Caltagirone in Sicily… 700 km by ferry… Crazy. The same goes for many other kinds of competition and also for many Sicilians spread across Italy. The question, given the period, is, why?

Politics also intervened yesterday on the issue, with two major parties, the PSI and the PD, who invited Minister Azzolina to review his position on the development of the competition.

Imagine a different solution“So Nencini, chairman of the Senate Committee on Culture, addressed the Minister.

We are facing the dramatic reactivation of the health emergency and we must put the safety of citizens at the center. – wrote Sgambato, school director of the PD – Therefore, conducting competitions in this phase of exponential increases in the Covid contagion curve exposes enormous risks.

In short, minister again under pressure on extraordinary competence, whose selective test was considered by the head of the Dicastery as a guarantee of meritocracy.

On the other hand, postponing competitions indefinitely would mean mortgaging an unmanageable situation, especially in northern Italy, on vacant chairs, further increasing the number of vacant chairs and precarious work.

