Extraordinary competence, Galli “Whoever in quarantine will lose the opportunity to live, take into account risks and problems”



“I receive dozens of e-mails from precarious teachers concerned about the safety of a competition that will involve more than 60,000 people and that I will not be able to support it if I am quarantined for covid 19, missing ‘the long-awaited opportunity.’ I think you have to take into account the risks and the problems ”.

So Massimo Galli, head of infectious diseases at the Sacco di Milano, on Twitter.

Azzolina: competence in safety

Education Minister Lucía Azzolina doesn’t seem to want to know about postponing proficiency tests. “The school contest takes place throughout Italy – he said in a recent interview with Repubblica, underlining the security in which the tests will be carried out – . We have thousands of classrooms. There are a maximum of ten people in each laboratory. All spaced, with the mask, the temperature measurement at the entrance. The test does not last 8 hours, but 150 minutes. There is a very strict protocol validated by the CTS that is certainly not inclined to endorse risks ”.

Same line as M5S senator Bianca Laura Granato: “Respond to the theorists of the postponements of the extraordinary contest: These days in Rome, from October 12 to November 6, contests are held for the CarabinieriHe wrote yesterday on Facebook.

“No to the pandemic contest”

On the opposite side, the Democratic Party, concerned about the advance of the pandemic and the increase in infections in recent days. “I am afraid that the current health situation requires a new phase of reflection on the competitions that will be held for schools. The current framework makes it impossible for scheduled tests to run normally, which would be better to postpone at this time”: This is what the leader of the Democratic Party at the Palazzo Madama, Andrea Marcucci, says. Even the director of the Pd school, Camilla Sgambato, asks the government to reflect: “We are facing the dramatic reactivation of the health emergency and we must put the safety of citizens at the center. Some regions are deciding to close schools as a precaution. Therefore, conducting competitions in this phase of exponential increases in the Covid contagion curve exposes not only the participants in the competition to enormous risks, but also the staff of the school complexes that must house them for the tests. .“.

And the opposition of the League to the competition remains clear: “Azzolina stops the extraordinary competition that runs the risk of contributing greatly to the spread of the infection, anticipating important movements of the 66,000 candidate teachers. The minister is still on time”Said Senator Mario Pittoni, director of the Lega School and vice president of the Palazzo Madama Culture Commission.

There is no point in organizing the competition at this particular time, not even according to the unions. Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief, on Orizzonte Scuola tv, reiterated the need for proof of titles and services. The unionist also believes “It is unthinkable that a teacher in quarantine or subject to fiduciary isolation cannot pass the written tests of the Extraordinary Contest”.

Is it complementary?

On this point, Gianluca Vacca, head of the M5S group in the Montecitorio Culture Committee, spoke about Orizzonte Scuola, opening the possibility that teachers in quarantine or positive result in Covid carry out the tests and explaining that it is the task of the Ministry of the Public function attend any complementary tests. The problem continues to be the calendar, taking into account that there are a few days until October 22, the scheduled date for the start of the disputed competition. Written test locations and candidate lists

