Extraordinary competence for the position: self-declaration not updated to the new quarantine period reduced to 10 days



There are a few days left for the start of rehearsals for the extraordinary competition for the role; It starts on October 22 and the deadline is November 16. Despite the numerous controversies ignited in recent weeks by the increase in infections, the Ministry of Education continues on its way, not having for the moment the postponement of the procedure.

To access the school where the test will take place, the candidate must present a complete self-certification, made available by the Ministry. We have tried to update this document following the latest provisions / circular from the Ministry of Health, on 10-12-2020.

Mandatory surgical mask, under penalty of exclusion from the procedure.

The candidates, members of the commission, supervisory personnel and all figures present in the competition areas are obliged to wear a surgical mask, which correctly covers the airways (mouth and nose) at all times. of permanence within the school where the competition is held.

Each candidate must equip themselves with the appropriate personal protective equipment and wear it, under penalty of exclusion from the procedure, both during the waiting period for admission to the educational institution, both when entering the examination room, and during the test, as well as when exiting the facility. Candidates must sanitize their hands with a special sanitizing gel contained in the dispensers at the entrance and at various points in the areas (eg entrance, classrooms, bathrooms, etc.) ensuring frequent use.

The self-declaration must be updated in accordance with the new provisions.

Candidates must complete the self-declaration

in which it is declared

  • having read the security measures published by the Ministry of Education on its website at the link https://www.miur.gov.it/web/guest/procedura-straordinaria-perimmissione-in-ruolo-scuola-secondaria;
  • not be subject to a mandatory quarantine period in accordance with current government regulations;
  • not being aware of being positive for COVID – 19;
  • not have or have had symptoms attributable to COVID – 19 in the previous 14 days;
  • not being aware of having had contact with people who tested positive for COVID -19 in the last 14 days;
  • be aware of having to adopt, during the proficiency test, all the necessary containment measures to avoid contagion by COVID-19;

Some candidates point out that the Ministry of Health circular has changed the quarantine period, so the self-declaration could be “out of date” for some specific cases.

Foreword: isolation and quarantine

L ‘isolation of the documented cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection refer to the separation of infected people from the rest of the community during the contagious period, in an environment and conditions that prevent the transmission of infection.

The quarantine, on the other hand, refers to the restriction of the movements of healthy people during the incubation period, but who may have been exposed to an infectious agent or a contagious disease, with the aim of monitoring the possible appearance of symptoms and identifying cases new opportune.

Positive symptomatic cases – asymptomatic

Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation, the new scientific evidence, the indications of some international organizations (WHO and ECDC) and the opinion formulated by the Scientific Technical Committee on October 11, 2020, was considered a new evaluation related to the previously specified:

Positive asymptomatic cases
Asymptomatic individuals who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 may return to the community after a period of isolation of at least 10 days from the onset of positivity, at the end of which a negative molecular test is performed (10 days + trial).

Positive symptomatic cases
Symptomatic individuals who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 may return to the community after a period of isolation of at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms (not considering anosmia and ageusia / dysgeusia that may have persistent prolonged in time) accompanied by a molecular test with a negative result performed after at least 3 days without symptoms (10 days, of which at least 3 days without symptoms + test).

Long-term positive cases
People who, although they no longer have symptoms, continue to test positive on the molecular test for SARS-CoV-2, in the absence of symptoms (with the exception of ageusia / dysgeusia and anosmia that can last for some time after recovery) at least one week, they will be able to stop the isolation 21 days after the onset of symptoms. This criterion can be modulated by health authorities in agreement with clinical experts and microbiologists / virologists, taking into account the immune status of the affected persons (in immunosuppressed patients the period of contagion can be prolonged).

Asymptomatic close contacts
Close contacts of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection cases identified by health authorities should observe:

  • a quarantine period of 14 days from the last exposure to the case; or
  • a 10-day quarantine period from the last exposure with a negative antigen or molecular test performed on the 10th day.

It is recommended:

  • carry out molecular testing at the end of quarantine on all people who live or come in regular contact with people who are fragile and / or at risk of complications
  • provide differentiated access to the test for children;
  • do not provide for quarantine or diagnostic testing on close contacts of close contacts of the case (i.e., there has been no direct contact with the confirmed case), unless the close contact of the case later tests positive for any diagnostic tests or in the event that, according to the criteria of the health authorities, community screening is appropriate;
  • promote the use of the Immuni app to support contact tracing activities.

At the moment, the self-declaration issued by the Ministry with a note dated October 1, 2020 remains in force and there are no changes in progress. Any change will be informed by the Ministry itself.

Extraordinary competition for paper 2020: all instructions, programs, features of the test.

Extraordinary competition, Azzolina: I insist that it be done. Testing begins on October 22nd and will be secure

Azzolina reiterates her no to postponement of the extraordinary competition and explains how it will unfold. Contests from other sectors already organized

