Extension of the Covid state of emergency: what does it mean and what does it entail?


The government is considering an extension of the state of emergency for Covid-19 until January 31. Currently, the state of emergency is expected to last until October 15. A possible extension, the request of which seems somewhat obvious, given the request that would have come from the Scientific Technical Committee after considering the trend of infection in Italy and in neighboring countries, from France to Spain and Great Britain, would bring the status of emergency exactly one year after the first implementation of the measure after the pandemic. The executive’s final decision should come next week; then the request will go to Parliament.

What does the state of emergency entail?

I dpcm

The current situation, which the government asks to expand, allows to act in a derogatory way on many aspects of public life thanks to the issuance of the Dpcm (the decrees of the presidency of the Council of Ministers) and the orders of the Minister of Health. Decrees of the Prime Minister, the Dpcm, cannot be issued except in a state of emergency.

The smart thing working

The state of emergency allows public and private employees to resort to smart work. When it returns to the ordinary situation, it will be necessary to review the rules that regulate it. Choosing to have employees work from home became mandatory at the most critical time of the pandemic to limit person-to-person contacts, ensure social distancing, and limit Covid-19 infections. This strategy was also confirmed in the final report of the Colao commission and by Inail’s security protocols.

The role of the Regions

In a state of emergency, the Regions can continue to sign ordinances, but they must deliver the guidelines to the government: therefore, the control room in which the governors participate is in operation precisely to follow a line in any case, although differentiated according to the trend. of the epidemiological curve in the different areas.


During the state of emergency, the weekly monitoring carried out by the Ministry of Health will continue on the basis of data provided by the Regions. The monitoring, which is normally released every Friday, makes it possible to follow the situation of the epidemic in Italy on the basis of 21 indicators; calculates the coronavirus transmission rate, RT, based on the number of new infections; and analyzes the resilience of health facilities and, in particular, vacancies in Covid and intensive care wards. Monitoring also allows managing outbreaks and modulating the openings and closings of some areas of the country. And it is used to take special measures in those areas, first of all those of nightlife, where the risk of an increase in positive cases is greater.

Travel restrictions

The state of emergency also allows measures capable of restricting the entry into the country of citizens of other states.

Davide Casati from Milan collaborated
