Minister Nunzia Catalfo announced that she intends to insert one extension of the option of women and the social ape in the Budget Law 2021. There was also talk of a strengthening of these measures (as well as other possible innovations).
We respond to a Money.it reader who asks us:
“Good morning in case of extension of the female option 2021 I ask the following: I am a private employee, I will turn 58 in November 2020 and I will be working for 35 years on 07/31/2021 considering the 12-month window, when can I submit the application? and then quit?
Thank you very much”
Extension of women’s option 2021
The possible expansion of the female option that could be included in the Budget 2021 law, should allow access to early retirement with the experimental regime for women who have reached the required requirements (both personal and contributory). before December 31, 2020.
We remind you that to access the pension with the female option you need:
- 35 years of contributions me 58 years old for employees (and a window of 12 months from the fulfillment of both requirements)
- 35 years of contributions and 59 years old for self-employed women (and a window of 18 months from the fulfillment of both requirements).
Therefore, if an extension of the experimental regime is included in the Budget Law 2021, it will require that the age and contribution requirements be met before December 31, 2020.
In your case, even if you turn 58 at the end of next year, you would reach the contribution requirement only in 2021. This requirement, in fact, cannot be accrued by 12 month waiting window that starts, in fact, from the achievement of both requirements. Therefore, even in the event of an extension, she would not be able to access retirement with the woman option.
In any case, to have all the certainty in this regard, we must wait for the publication of the Budget Law, which will give us the certainty of the possible extension and the conditions of access to retirement.
“If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at the email address ask it [email protected]”