Exponential increase in the incidence of coronavirus in Genoa in the week of October 12 to 18, 2020


At the usual press point on the coronavirus march in Liguria on Friday, October 16, several subjects took turns at the microphone, involved in various capacities in the management of the emergency. After the President of the Region, Giovanni Toti, the Mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci, took the floor.

Referring to the last adopted ordinance, which also governs the activity of recreational clubs, the mayor specified that “these regulations are only intended to protect our health. The administration has made itself available to change things and we will change many more, I anticipate it, we will change according to the infections and what the needs of the people who live in our city are ”, Bucci clarified.

After the mayor it was the turn of Filippo Ansaldi, Alisa’s prevention manager, who analyzed the data from the individual provinces. “In the last fortnight in Genoa there has been a net increase in daily incidence – Ansaldi said – which weighs heavily on the increase in incidence in the regional territory. In Spezia, the conglomerate that characterized the month of September was reviewed and today the incidence is within the limits of what is expected based on the regional trend; in Imperia the new cases are below the regional average. Savona, who has been below the attention line for a long time, is now seeing a spike attributable to a group in rsa that is however limited to that one community. “

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“The number of beds in medium intensity throughout the region – explains Ansaldi – was limited until two weeks ago; Then a gradual increase began and today we are climbing with an Rt index of 1.3: exponential growth, although slowed down by the tracking and containment activities implemented by the prevention departments. The ability to treat patients, the decline in average age and the very different outlook compared to spring show a progressive linear growth in intensive care since the end of August. So the picture is very different for medium and intensive intensity therapy.
