explosive ready to use, they were about to attack again


The Mobile Brigade of the Bologna Police Headquarters and the NORM Carabinieri of the Compagnia di Bologna – Borgo Panigale carried out 7 arrests of criminal suspects, issued by the Bologna Prosecutor’s Office, against as many belonging to a specialized criminal gang in robbery of ATMs. It happened at dawn on August 27.

Parallel investigations Police / Carabinieri: in the end the arrests

The restrictive measures are the result of two different investigations, one carried out by the State Police’s investigation office directly against the perpetrators of the attacks on the ATM, the other carried out by the Carabinieri, which originated in another investigative context. , has provided important elements in support of the investigative hypothesis against the gang members.

All the elements allowed the Bologna Prosecutor, who coordinated the two Investigation Offices, to issue the restrictive measure against CG of 47 years, ADB of 71, LG of 44 years 44, MF of 49 years, LG of 24 years, 30 years of GS and 46 years GB.

The gang had a blast warrant ready to go

During the searches some of the components were found numerous explosive materials, among them a “marmot” ready for use. All the details of the investigations will be provided this morning by the Police during a press conference that will see the Police and Carabinieri together.

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