A very strong boom shook the buildings in the south of Milan
A very strong boom shook the buildings in the south of Milan
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The first balance of the explosion that occurred this morning in a building in Piazzale Libia in Milan is five people slightly injured and one more seriously. The most serious person is the one who was in the apartment on the ground floor where the outbreak occurred. Inside the building there were a series of internal and non-structural wall collapses. Firefighters are searching for some people who likely left the area at the time of the outbreak. Firefighters are also checking that no other people are involved.
The most seriously injured is Adam Serdiuchenko, a 29-year-old Lucraino (he will turn 30 on October 10), who suffered second and third degree burns all over his body. The man was transported in code red to the Niguarda hospital. Areu communicates this, explaining that there would be about fifty inhabitants of the condominium and that from the explosion on the ground floor a fire would have developed that would have affected the first floor. A USAR team, 9 ambulances, 2 automotive, 1 self-nurse, as well as police, firefighters and urban brigades participated in the event. The foreigner has been known to have lived in Italy for several years and works as a rang chef in a major Milanese restaurant. His passion for cooking is omnipresent in his life, as evidenced by the many photos of the dishes he posts on his social profiles. It is a joke, therefore, that the gas leak that generated the explosion (as the prosecutor supposes) started from his kitchen.
‘Most likely it is methane gas, we will have to investigate where the leak originated. They have cut off the gas in the entire building that has been evacuated. This is the first hypothesis about the cause of the explosion, according to Maurizio Pendini, director and deputy director of the Milan Firefighters command. Two tenants are missing, but it is not excluded that they were not in the nine-story building or that they have already moved. “We are finishing the search for the disappeared to eliminate doubts, probably there are none. The first pass with the dogs was negative. It was a strong explosion, the news was very serious, we feared the worst, ”Pendini explained. There was an explosion on the ground floor, there is one seriously injured but conscious and five minor ones. An apartment and the staircase, as well as all the windows up to the fifth floor of the building, were damaged.
“The first assessments of the intervening firefighters would speak of a gas leak in a private apartment.” This was stated by the deputy prosecutor Tiziana Siciliano after an on-site inspection. “The one in the most serious condition is the tenant of the apartment” on the ground floor where the gas leak is presumed to have occurred, “and there are other injured in less serious situations,” explained the prosecutor, confirming that there are no there is a burner but “there are gas cookers. This is – he continued – the point that the gas leak may have had. But everything remains to be verified, there are still no certainties. The prosecutor confirmed that “investigations are still underway to verify that there are no victims” but at the moment “there are none.” In any case, “canine units are checking the debris for other people.” For the moment, he concluded, “it would seem like a more calming and controlled situation. The police are doing their investigative work. ‘
“Assistance has already been arranged in the hotel for those who will not be able to return home tonight” in the building on piazzale Libia 20 in Milan damaged by an explosion that also caused injuries: explained Cristiano Cozzi, director of Civil Protection in Milan. “The first three floors are quite damaged. A structural check is being carried out and the search for the missing persons is being carried out – Cozzi explained -. Then the firefighters will say what is accessible. We are contacting about 50 tenants and we will check who cannot go home, who can stay with relatives or will need a room in a hotel. The building at number 22 was also affected and also in other buildings the explosion caused the glass to break ”.