Experts already reject Conte “What will happen after the Dpcm …”


He expressed a clearly negative opinion on his Facebook profile, rejecting the new Dpcm launched by the Government. The Immunologist from the University of Padua Antonella Viola He does not mince words to criticize the decisions of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Council of Ministers on the issue of Covid-19. “The new Dpcm is signed. Starting tomorrow – he wrote – most of the country will have to face new restrictions and great sacrifices”. For the expert “they will be difficult and painful weeks. The curfew does not have a scientific reason, but it serves to remind us that we must make sacrifices, that we must cut out the superfluous, that our life must be limited to the essential: work, school, close emotional relationships. “. Antonella Viola addresses the Italians directly: “Today the only thing I want to do is launch an appeal to the public: make sense of these sacrifices. “.

The expert stressed that it is essential to have common sense to avoid the worst. “If we don’t change our way of life – continued the immunologist Viola – if we don’t all do our part, not even these measures will have the desired effect. We do not organize evenings at home with friends. and relatives. The only thing that works against this virus is limiting the number of people we meet today. We need to narrow the circle of our relationships, personal and professional. We all do our part: we are history “.

Just over a week ago, Antonella Viola had been doubtful. Regarding the issue of “closures”, the immunologist had already expressed his opposition to bar lock and restaurants at 18. Still on Facebook, he wrote that solving the problem would help “Identify, through the monitoring data collected between May and the first week of October, the places with the highest risk of contagion”. Once this is done, only the most dangerous results can be closed: “For example, if it turns out that there have been no infections in theaters, why shut them down?”said the immunologist Viola. After this first step, you should continue with “Adapt the premises or rules to allow reopening “.

The doctor from the University of Padua not only considered the measures adopted by the Government insufficient, but also other experts reject the new Dpcm by Conte. There are many who are skeptical. “The non-strategy of the weekly Dpcm, which introduces measures that end up being too soft for the speed of growth of the contagion curve, inevitably pushes us towards the total blockade, because we are not able to perceive the effects of the measures introduced in pursuing the virus “. This is the comment of Nino Cartabellotta, President of the Gimbe Foundation, who spoke before the Senate Health and Hygiene Commission about monitoring the evolution of the epidemiological situation.
