From his Juventus experienced in the past, in the first trainings (in addition to matches) with the first team, until the imminent debut in friendly of the bianconeri of Andrea Pirlo, Juventus-Novara, of which is double former.
In this regard, the drafting of TuttoJuve.com exclusively interviewed Alberto Libertazzi, former Juventus forward, the color he dressed well fourteen years.
You shared some sporadic training with Pirlo: what personality was in the dressing room?
“Do not argue with the player: that summer arrived (ed 2011) and he was already a point of reference for everyone. I was just a young player who came in from time to time for some training and I did not have the opportunity to put so much confidence, but his leadership was perceived ”.
How do you assess Juventus’ decision to entrust you with the first team bench?
“If the management put her to fill that position, it is because they are sure of the choice they have made: they have, sure, they see potential great qualities.”
Among his great mentors, he mentioned Pirlo himself in a recent book, Antonio Conte, with whom he also crossed paths at Juve. Do you think you can open an equally flourishing cycle, as you did at Juventus, also at Inter?
“I think so. This year we saw Conte’s great hand against Inter, who did not win because Juve was and is a very strong team. He will certainly try again next year.”
What market movements should Juve make, in your opinion, to “defend itself”?
“If it is true that Juve will take Suarez, there is little to comment … Imagine an attack made up of Dybala, Suarez and Cristiano Ronaldo: something stratospheric!”
Taking a small step back, what are your most salient memories of the Juve experience?
“I have fulfilled the dream of any player in the Youth Sector: to be confirmed year after year, and then face the first team. The debut took place at Lech Poznan-Juventus with Del Neri and behind there is a particular anecdote …”.
You’re welcome.
“I came in cold, the temperature was below thirty degrees … It didn’t take me a bit to stretch! But I kept going and didn’t ask for a change: it was my Europa League debut, certainly not a small goal.”
Did you expect Chiellini and Buffon to have formed the backbone of Juventus even today, ten years later?
“Yes, it is enough to train with them even a couple of times to understand why. Their charisma and personality are something unattainable. Barzagli also adds to them: he arrived with Del Neri and it didn’t take long for him to gain a leading role.”
And Bonucci?
“He is also a great player. He knew how to redeem the bad season immediately with Del Neri, improving year after year from the following season.”
Which players have you connected with the most?
“With great humility I went and I am aware that I was just a young man who sometimes joined that extraordinary squad. But when you got on, they immediately reassured you, they made you really feel like one of them. I have a very positive memory of Jorge Martínez: unfortunately The year with Del Neri was not lucky for him, also penalized by some injuries ”.
Someone you still sit with?
“I recently met Chiellini in Turin and we exchanged a few words.”
Now Juventus will face Novara, his former team in the first friendly of the season …
“It will be very exciting for Novara, especially the younger players, to walk through the doors of Continassa and play against Cristiano Ronaldo and the Italian champions.”
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