Ex de Pretelli turns the bag, unimaginable – Libero Quotidiano


Francesco Fredella

Complicity between women. And now it is no longer necessary to stir up unnecessary controversy. Because the former partner of Pierpaolo Pretelli says on social media that you have heard Elisabetta gregoraci after the latter has left the Big Brother Vip, the reality show presented by Alfonso Signorini on Channel 5. “He wrote to me – reveals on Instagram -. It was neither due nor obvious. It was a wonderful moment of complicity between women, that famous feminine solidarity that everyone talks about but very few put into practice ”, she writes. Adriana romeo. “It was a disarming tenderness and sweetness. Not in front of the cameras, but exchanging private messages with a girl he has never seen (…). It is useless to keep talking, a small gesture that can say a lot about the person he is. I liked you immediately ”, concludes the ex-partner of Pierpaolo Pretelli. Point. Now everything comes to the end credits: a special friendship, that of the former velino from “Striscia la Notizie” and the former from Briatore. Nothing more.

This picture.  Get it now?  Elisabetta Gregoraci framed by her ex?  Here is the proof
Who placed in front of the Gregoraci, a very dangerous move by Signorini: watch out, here the GfVip collapses
