Alberto Zangrillo does not change his mind: the coronavirus has changed, his viral load has weakened. As proof of this, the director of the intensive care department of San Raffaele in Milan as well as the doctor treating Silvio Berlusconi, shared a study on Twitter. Here is the expert’s comment: “In this study they demonstrated how a low viral load was independently associated with a lower risk of being intubated and dying: intubated and deceased patients had a viral load 8 times higher than those who survived / not intubated . “.
But not only that, because Zangrillo, who was attacked for having said that Covid-19 is clinically dead, sends one more message to the many, too many, alarmists: “As the studies of San Raffaele anticipate – screeches -, it is more and more evident the correlation between the reduction in viral load and the variation in the clinical picture, which is why we have seen since May mostly asymptomatic patients or that in any case he did not need intensive therapy ”. A situation very different from that of the first months of the pandemic.