Everything to avoid confinement


Francesco Fotia

Rome, President of the Council Giuseppe Conte at a press conference on the new ministerial decree

When the Palazzo Chigi statement announces that Giuseppe Conte will be released in Piazza Colonna for a statement, he appears to be watching an old haunting movie. It is just after six and just half an hour earlier, the infection report had registered a sharp increase, stopping at 3,678 new infections, with a proportion of new patients compared to tampons among the highest in recent weeks.

That of the prime minister’s evening remarks is a format that no one expects to review, if only because it would signal an increase in the epidemic curve. “We cannot relax, we cannot disperse the sacrifices made,” says the prime minister to his collaborators, before deciding to convene the press point.

Fortunately, the horizon has changed. We are no longer moving in a completely unknown land, the contagion census is the result of a series of swabs never carried out last spring, the relationship between symptomatic and asymptomatic is more unbalanced towards the latter, the hospitalization rate is controlled, the Los intensive care is not under stress, cases are more distributed throughout the country. These are the considerations for which Conte absolutely wants to avoid, for as long as possible, taking measures that impact the country’s productive activities. On the other hand, the executive himself has written down the figures for the possible catastrophe: less 11% of GDP in the event of a new lockout.

It is a new state of mind that of the executive, who goes directly to the Ministry of Health. Roberto Speranza has always been the leader of intransigence in the executive, but the consonance of opinions with Conte is almost total in this phase. “We have escaped the hot fall and, in general, the reopening of schools has gone well so far, explains an executive representative, but what happens when the redundancy fund runs out? It is absolutely necessary to avoid new shocks in the economy ”.

For this reason, the Prime Minister strongly encourages the tightening of all those individual protection measures that do not directly affect productive activities. “We have always adopted a consistent methodological line, always putting health first, also because if we take care of our health first, then things improve”, motivated the obligation introduced today to wear masks both outdoors and in all places open to the public. “And then there are the criteria of adequacy and proportionality – he added – today that we do not want to return to the confinement, we believe that this measure is adequate.”

There is also a social problem, in a country that sees an increase in deniers and critics every day, much less willing to accept a powerful new limitation on personal freedoms. When the cigarette runs out, the fibrillations in the country will increase significantly, a new squeeze could give the coup de grace to a tired and exhausted country. It is no accident that the Regions have been given the power to enact more restrictive ordinances. As if to say: for the government, the measures are calibrated at the right point, but it certainly will not oppose the tightening in the territories as Vincenzo De Luca already did with the curfew for bars and restaurants and Nicola Zingaretti anticipating the provision about masks.

Nothing is excluded, according to the compass that health comes first, but all ways to contain the virus will be taken before thinking about closures. With prudence, the executive was able to take advantage of the days that separate it from the expiration of the dpcm bridge launched today and in force until October 15, in the logic that “let’s look at the figures and see if we take any other measure, always in the wake of adequacy”. and proportionality. “Hoping they don’t happen.
