How things are going up front Immune? Not very good, if you think Conte didn’t mention it half a time at the last press conference at Palazzo Chigi. The only official technological monitoring system for the Sars-CoV-2 epidemic in Italy would have to be downloaded by 60% of the population, according to the first estimates made months ago, to be truly effective. Considering that 73.8% of the population in Italy have a smartphone, that would mean at least 36 million downloads: unthinkable. More realistically, in a context integrated with other strategies, Immuni should download it at least 2 in 10 Italians to be effective, which is equivalent to 12 million people: we are beginning to think, even if we are still far away. The problem, however, is not only the spread of the application, but also the mechanism.
Immune, everything goes wrong
Come back to that, interviewed by Republic, Alessandro Vespignani55-year-old physicist, director of the Northeastern University Boston lab that has been tracking and predicting the progress of the pandemic for nine months: “I don’t know if you still have time to get the Immuni app to work, but I know it It is mandatory to try. If we think that the only weapons against the virus are masks and keeping people locked up in the house, we are doing everything wrong. “
Immune was downloaded by 9 million people but it sent reports of only 900 positives. It does not work? “I already said it in March – explains Vespignani – the application against the virus is a beautiful thing but it only works if a world is created around it. What Immuni lacks is the so-called Post-sale support. I mean, I have the app and then what happens? Do I have someone to talk to? Can I contact a doctor faster? Can I take a test right away? “.
“Without these things, the app is even scary. You get a notification of a contact at risk and you’re alone.”
There is no national call center for Immuni
Missing a national call center for Immuni, and it is unthinkable that our regional health companies, which are already apnea from the virus, are able to deal with it as they should.
Instead, it was time to hire students, or the unemployed, and train them to stay in such a call center. Covid browsers had to be created ”.
The only way to make Immune palatable is to make it possible reserve a tampon directly from the app I will call a dedicated call center in case of risky contact with a positive. Vespignani says so, but many other experts say so. Otherwise, everything becomes complex. There is always time to fix things, because the battle against Covid-19 will be very long.
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“Talking about the second wave makes me smile, we have at least five very difficult months with ups and downs ahead, the battle is long; of course there is time to fix Immuni, as there is time to improve everything else.”