“Everything in order, it has also been restructured”


School, mother denounces: «How sad Zagarolo's nursery without even a toy.  And in high school, ants and hornets in class

Going back to school these days after the Covid emergency is difficult: no desks, teachers. But in some cases to cross the threshold of an institution again, be it a nursery or high school, is sad too. How a mother reported on Facebook complaining about kindergarten conditions Zagarolo, in the province of Rome, where it seems that – by reading the words of the women, then repeated by telephone – the class where the child is enrolled has been deprived of posters and games. «Kindergarten has started in Zagarolo and it has been one of the saddest days that I have lived so far with my little one. A classroom completely empty of colors and devoid of objects – the mother complains – the school did not allow the little ones not even to look at a billboard hanging on the walls or to play with a simple game that could be easily disinfected. Nothing”.

School, in Rome for a month in class without desks: “Late deliveries”

But from the Zagarolo Town Hall comes the denial: “There is no abandonment or deplorable conditions in the nursery school”, which among other things has also been recently reformed. Words that are not actually followed for the municipal administration that in recent days has committed to the last one so that the schools reopen with all the necessary precautions and compliance with the anti-Covid regulations without compromising serenity. of small children.

In the Edmondo De Amicis nursery as in any other institution, whether it is nursery school or elementary, middle and high school, the anti-contagion rules in compliance with the provisions of Lazio region who dictated the precise guidelines especially for the 0-6 age group.

Rome, schools without a teacher: there are still a thousand to be replaced. Each class loses twenty hours of lessons

Last updated: 22:32

