Published on: 10/26/2020 8:58 AM
“I hope that the provisions of the new Dpcm are sufficient, but I don’t know, and if someone claims to know, they are lying. All we know is that the result is a total shutdown, but we want to avoid it. And I understand it ”. Thus, in the Fatto Quotidiano, Massimo Galli, director of the department of infectious diseases of the “Sacco” of Milan. What invites: “The confinement do it on your own; stick to basic work-related activities and see as few people as possible. As for school closings, it is the most painful and difficult to decide. The difference between 75 and 100% of distance education in high school seems to me to be a matter of goat wool. As for the rest of the orders, I understand that keeping teaching in presence, in addition to being essential for children and adolescents, is necessary to give parents the opportunity to work. The importance of direct teaching has never escaped me, but something has to be sacrificed ”.
Regarding the homogeneity of the measures throughout the national territory, Galli affirms that “an important threshold of measures must be shared, it is the task of the Regions and the mayors to identify critical issues at the local level to strengthen more if necessary, this seems to me a just beginning “. On the prime minister’s wish to save the Christmas holidays, he says he is concerned “about what will happen in twenty days. Any further prediction is impossible. First the data, then the dates. I can say, having not made many friends in the last few months, that I have always been very consistent. And I’m not at all happy that I was absolutely right. And I also find myself in a grotesque position: I have no power to decide anything other than to respond with my opinion, finding myself in the shame of a media overexposure that does not belong to me to always say the same things ”.
Regarding the sectors that run the risk of bankruptcy and growing malaise in the poorest areas of the country, the infectious diseases specialist says he understands “the desperation of sectors already tormented by the closures and they are right to ask for economic integration and not be abandoned. But I will say something a bit brutal: I see people dying again in the hospital and not yet on the street, it does not mean that I do not see poverty and those situations of great social hardship. But the disease, taking the necessary measures, would leave us time to intervene in the new and old miseries; having said that, I think the delay is there for all to see, but the disease itself, Covid, may not give us time to heal. all the sick. “
In the most negative of hypotheses, Galli continues, “in many parts of Italy the health system will go into crisis and we will have a terrifying death toll, but this may not happen yet. The hospitalization rate is not that of March and we have improved both in treatment and in diagnosis. But there is also another question to ask about hospitalizations: we bring too many people to the hospital, this makes the health system go crazy and here the course must be reversed like the curve of infections. If we are more competent, the curve will slow down, I mean the country system caught by surprise and lagged behind by the first wave, but which the second revealed unprepared for not having introjected the lesson last summer ”.
“Local medicine must be recovered – he continues -, strengthened, put in a position to work in this way also for us. It is the only way to decongest hospitals and thus allow treating pathologies not related to Covid. We must immediately activate Alternative Hospitalization Facilities: How many hotels, including extra-luxurious ones, are closed at the moment because there is no great international tourism? Why can’t they be used? The number of infections continues to grow: more than 21 thousand. For at least three weeks we will not benefit from measures in force since last night. It is a European context that sees France and parts of Spain in numbers already double that of ours. We must be aware of the seriousness of the situation but at the same time we must not panic because at the moment of terror we lose clarity to face the challenge. I also criticize colleagues who accentuate it with terrorist tones. I always remember that deaths under 40 are 1% and that the vast majority of the dead are over eighty years old with other pathologies ”.
“We should think about policies of greater protection for the elderly at this stage,” he specifies, to prevent the risk of contagion to those who are most exposed to dramatic effects. When do you imagine that the rate of progression of the infection can decrease? Even the vaccine will be more or less violent waves, perhaps diminishing between one wave and the next until the epidemic virus becomes endemic: therefore, it could even take years. SarsCov2 has a great spreading capacity, thank goodness it is a little less pathogenic than Sars1 which, however, spreads less. And let’s not talk about MERS. As for the vaccine, to have a production capable of covering all the needs it will take several months and it will certainly not be available to everyone immediately. So we hope it works, even if some of the data we have on antibody induction really gives us hope. “
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