
The news of the positivity of Silvio Berlusconi has gone around the world. And with it also their health conditions and the assumptions about who has infected the leader of Forza Italia or not. Unpleasant allegations, unacceptable speculations that actually led Barbara Berlusconi to answer the allegations. And Annalisa Chirico also speaks about it: “In the Covid post, all residual sense of private life has been lost, now everything is public, on the bench even when health and illness are at stake.”

For the signature of Bed sheet, which on Twitter launches what seems to all intents and purposes a complaint about privacy, “between the hunt for slanderers and the media itch, zero continence, never hesitation”, you just have to impose “silence and respect.” The one to which, as she mentioned, she also appealed. Barbara, for days designated as “an untrice” of her father, in an unacceptable media lynching.