
Biden’s victory favors some world leaders and hurts others. Among the most affected are Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, and Bolsonaro, President of Brazil, who had imitated Trump’s slogan in his 2018 election campaign: “Brazil above all.”
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Orban’s sympathies for Trump are understandable: Obama and Biden attacked him for his “illiberal” ways, praised by Trump, who even withdrew a $ 700,000 aid program in favor of the independent Hungarian media. Trump did nothing to protect the Budapest office of the liberal Central European University, founded by George Soros, which Orban forced to leave the country: it was Michael Ignatieff, the Canadian rector, who pointed the finger at Trump.
The European Union, of which Hungary is a part, rejoices: Trump had worked to dismember it, favoring Brexit and any other “exit” from Brussels. Macron knows something about it, to whom Trump had suggested to go the London way: better to deal with many weak governments, Trump thought, than with a strong union. Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO secretary general, is also delighted. Trump had questioned his fidelity to article 5 of the treaty, regarding mutual defense in the event of external aggression: with Putin at Ukraine’s doorstep, it was not good news for Europe, invited by Merkel not to do so. more dependence on the United States to defend against enemies.
Biden’s victory also puts Matteo Salvini at a disadvantage, cloaked in a pro-Trump mask: Anyone who aspires to become prime minister in Italy aspires to meet a similar American president. The Conte government neither loses nor wins. Whether there is Trump or Biden in the White House, the US request remains unchanged and burdensome: Conte must stop doing business with China. In fact, Biden has stated that he will be tougher than Trump on Beijing, suggesting that he will be even more stubborn on Italy. Kim Jong-un is also in a position of indifference: he now has the atomic bomb and the United States can only make deals with North Korea. Kim Jong-un’s strategic position is too strong and, except for nuclear war, Biden has no more weapons than Trump to advance on that side.
Maduro, in Venezuela, rejoices: it is not said that with Biden things will improve for him, but he certainly got rid of a staunch enemy. In addition to imposing sanctions, Trump had even considered sending US soldiers to overthrow Maduro in favor of Guaidò: a hypothesis disappeared as soon as Russia, China and Turkey, not exactly featherweights, sided with the Venezuelan president. Erdogan is ecstatic. Her life with Trump was painful, unpleasant, and harrowing.
To subdue Erdogan and obtain the release of a US citizen, Trump had imposed sanctions on Turkey, causing its currency to collapse, which he was pleased with: In a letter to the “New York Times” of August 10, 2018, Erdogan had threatened to leave NATO. Not to mention Trump’s initial attempt to create a Kurdish entity in Syria on the Turkish border. It is true that Erdogan prevailed, but at the bitter price of a war. Netanyahu and the King of Saudi Arabia cry: it is difficult to imagine two world leaders more damaged than they by the fall of Trump. For Netanyahu, the damage is minor, having already collected all the spoils, that is, the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the normalization of relations with the Gulf countries. The Saudi king is the one who suffers the most: Biden opposes the Saudi bombing of Yemen and, if he revives the agreements with Iran, Saudi Arabia would withdraw to the advantage of Iran, its greatest rival.
Freed from sanctions, Tehran would return to enrich itself and invest in defense, thus scaring even Netanyahu: Hamas and Hezbollah, in perennial war with Israel, are armed precisely by Iran. Putin is among the main victims: When Trump led the count, his leaders declared that the Americans were with Trump and that the accusations against Putin of interfering in the 2016 elections fell alone. Strange reasoning, which brought no luck.
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