Eugenio Sandrini died at 58, the funeral on Wednesday


A sudden tragedy took place within the walls of a house in Pontagna, a village in Temù, and left the entire community shocked and amazed. Eugenio Sandrini died in the arms of his wife, struck down by illness at the age of 58. Everyone in Pontagna and Ponte di Legno knew him, especially for his commitment to the community: for years he had been a volunteer firefighter and was part of the Ponte di Legno detachment team.

Without warning, he would have suddenly felt ill on Monday night, shortly after going to bed. His wife immediately alerted the rescue, but the 58-year-old man’s heart would have stopped within moments and attempts by doctors to get him to start over were sadly futile.

The news quickly spread through the village and many on social networks expressed affection and condolences to Eugenio’s family, whom his friends called ‘Genio’. “Omnipresent husband, father and firefighter” is how the man in town is described. “We want to remember you like this: always available, a friend of the people and above all, always ready to reach out to those in need. Hello Eugenio, we will miss you,” reads the Facebook page of the Ponte di Legno Voluntary Fire Department.

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The whole community is gathering around his wife Anita, and his children Marco and Sara: two wonderful children that the couple adopted several years ago, but also their mother Emilia. Dozens of people are expected for the funeral, which will be held on Wednesday afternoon (at 3 pm) at the Pontagna cemetery.
