Make them “final” Eurobonds, work on canceling debts for Covid, reform the Me detach it from the “logic of governments, in which those of the strongest prevail” and following the same path also change the Treaties “, eliminate veto right in the hands of individual governments ”, allowing a few to take entire reforms hostage. Is this theEurope what the President of the European Parliament imagines, David sassoli: “A great reform to give more government and more sovereignty to the Union ”, he explains in his interview to Republic. In his opinion, it is the only way out of the crisis triggered by coronavirus, fight against “despair and misery”.
A street that passes through two pillars: the Recovery Fund the Eurobonds. Just a few days ago advice me Parliament Europeans have found a agreement in the next multi-year budget of 1,074 billion It’s in post covid recovery package gives 750 billion euros agreed in July by the leaders. According to Sassoli, however, it should be only the first step and he takes the thought of the ECB president as his own. Christine Lagarde, who proposed that the Recovery Fund be permanent: “We have to take retirement seriously and do it definitive common debt ”, explains Sassoli. The Eurobonds for which the Italian government fought in Brussels must become “a definitive model” and it is necessary to “create a treasure at European level. “” With European bonds we could compromise the ECB in financing the ecological transition – adds Sassoli – which is also an instrument of recovery. Is a decisive issue that could really consolidate the Union ”.
Also there cancellation Gods debts government contracts to respond to Covid “is an interesting working hypothesis”, responds the President of the European Parliament to Republic. “In the reform of the stability pact we will have to concentrated on the medium-term evolution of deficit me public spending in crisis conditions and not just obsessively in debt, “says Sassoli. That also in the Me criticizes those who are surprised that it has not been used: “If the line of health credit of the Month would have been used immediately it would have been useful. But we must bear in mind that the memory of 2008 crisis is that now it’s anachronistic. Today, which country with the Recovery, the relaxation of the Pact, Insurance and Eurobonds will make use of the ESM? No one“Therefore, it is his reasoning,” to make the Month useful discontinuity: necessary reform it and turn it into a community instrument, not an intergovernmental one ”.
Translated, it means that “would be governed by European Comission based on common rules and no longer on the logic of governments, in which those of the strongest prevail ”. For Sassoli, in fact, “one new mindset, not only in the Month. “The President of the European Parliament asks to change the treaties,” change the government of Europe “, for example that right of veto that today has become” one anachronistic tool“Since decisions are increasingly necessary” Quick, also for the benefit of citizens and the governments themselves. “Faced with the certain skepticism of the northern European countries regarding these proposals, Sassoli responds:” The success of Recovery at will make you change your mind“.
His idea of reform also encompasses Stability pact and tax reform. The EU Commissioner for the Economy PaoloGentiloni He explained that the “Stability Pact could also be suspended in 2022”. Sassoli agrees: “It is useless to think about reactivating the Stability Pact before 2023. We cannot afford a abrupt return of those rules before countries have recovered increase lost during Covid. We would destroy the beginning of recovery. “Also for this reason, according to Sassoli, it is necessary” for all Member States to commit to tax reforms coordinated at European level, in order to develop redistributive policies. Many struggle with poverty, but others they won crisis. “Or the” giants of Net and some large distribution chains. “The President of the European Parliament specifies:” I am referring to the need to end privileges enjoyed by large industries in some EU countries, such as i tax resolution“.