EU Funds and Priorities / The Possible Revolution for the Capital’s Youth


EU funds and priorities / The possible revolution for the youth of the capital

The responsibility of school buildings He was born in Common, although perhaps not everyone knows. Therefore, its maintenance, ventilation, health and sustainability are also the responsibility of the Municipality. Just remember this to understand that the theme of the school it’s not just about government, but on the contrary in absolutely fundamental aspects, it depends on local policies.

The history of the last twenty years has explained this well to us: cities, more than states, have made a difference in terms of economic growth and social inclusion, being or not capable of combining vision, planning, participation and new technologies. And the Roman question today depends precisely on this: lack of economic growth and dramatic growing inequalities.

School, on the other hand, is the most powerful tool for inclusion and equal opportunities. As the great scholar Branko Milanovic explains in his latest book, without a strong investment in school that means equal opportunities, inequalities worsen from generation to generation. In this, too, Rome seems far behind, but the city has the necessary skills, experiences, abilities and technologies. Covid showed us that some tools, starting with digital ones, used them less than we could have. We have seen that in many places the reactivity of teachers has been extraordinary, their skills and experiences often at the forefront. Teachers have once again demonstrated that they are generative actors, but each one remains in their own sphere. On the contrary: their experiences and skills must be networked to finally make the school, as a whole, a heritage integrated into the life of the city. A starting point: around 290 thousand students live in Rome, in 1487 schools that house 13264 classrooms, 514 classrooms, 1060 swimming pools and gymnasiums, various didactic laboratory spaces. The state of conservation and security of these buildings is nothing less than reviewable and there are adaptation plans against fires, seismic and energy that are useful but not sufficient for the necessary transformation.

The digital platform Myspot, a start-up born in Rome with the aim of interconnecting physical places, has generated a map that shows the spread of these spaces in the territory. 30% of the institutions remain without a gym and 60% without a conference room. Therefore, the resources already allocated and those of the Recovery Fund, for example, should be mainly destined to fill this gap, especially since, comparing this distribution with the Inequality Maps (Donzelli 2019), it is observed that gyms and theaters in Rome there are fewer precisely in the neighborhoods where there are the greatest number of young people! Therefore, ordinary maintenance is not enough, investments must be transformative so that this heritage is suitable for experiential use: not only new electrical systems but also transforming, for example, each classroom into a digital hub that allows connection with others. classrooms in Rome. and the world. But above all: today this heritage of spaces is used in a very fragmented and uneven way; In a few cutting-edge examples, gyms are networked for sports clubs; conference rooms rarely.

On the other hand: the creation of digital classrooms, gyms, classrooms and equipped laboratories that are accessible from the territory through integrated programs with the institutes, and with transparent access rules, should be the rule and not the exception. It will make it possible to systematically integrate local resources – innovative companies, sports clubs, third sector associations – to offer young people extracurricular training experiences, based on the performing arts, music, digital and theatrical. In this way, the experiences of our teachers, even those accumulated with distance education, and the ease of use of digital tools put at the service of common goods can become a formidable tool not for isolation, but on the contrary , useful to increase the Our meetings, multiply the opportunities of physical knowledge, and also discover that it is possible and beautiful to use the open spaces more than before.

This has been explained for some time by the platform, born in Rome by Danilo Casertano, educator and pedagogue. This experience has inspired a recent major law in the Lazio region that allows outdoor lessons to be taught at the school for ages zero to six. For the idea to be tangible and concrete, now it will be necessary to draw a map of those places as well, from parks to gardens, infrastructure and make them available, with clear rules and defined procedures. Clearly, these are only the first steps, but enough to teach us that with the effort and time required for real transformations, profound changes can quickly begin in Rome.

Nicola Martinelli – Entrepreneur and co-founder of “Scuola constituente”
Marco Simoni – University of Luiss

Last updated: 06:31

