EU, common anti-Covid monitoring is underway. Italy, Ireland and Germany apps will be linked


A first step towards the Europe of health has been taken: as of today an EU system for monitoring those infected is operational, which involves – by making them interact with each other – the national applications of Italy, Ireland and Germany. This was announced by the EU Commission on Twitter. “We have established a European system to harness the full potential of tracking applications,” says the president. Ursula von der Leyen

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by our correspondent ALBERTO D’ARGENIO

“Fighting the coronavirus is our top priority. Tracking apps help break the chain of infections. use them, use them. Today three countries have joined, soon others as well, so that we are warned of the risks wherever we are ”, says President Ursula von der Leyen.

In September, Immuni app is now “shared” with Germany and Denmark: Brussels trial begins
the European Commission had launched a pilot phase to connect the monitoring applications of the different Member States and among the countries involved, in addition to Italy, Germany and Ireland, there were also the Czech Republic, Denmark and Latvia.
Immuni app is now “shared” with Germany and Denmark: Brussels trial begins

Health management remains the prerogative of the Member States to date. And the same goes for personal data, including health data. Therefore, the paradox was that during the first wave of the pandemic, the contagion tracking applications of the different EU countries could not operate with each other, because they did not share useful information to track a potential infected when it passed a state European to another. .

To remedy this shortcoming, crucial to blocking the spread of the pandemic, the European Commission had announced the start of the first tests in some states, including Italy with its Immuni, and an infrastructure to allow interoperability of applications. tracking.

“To take full advantage of the potential of mobile monitoring and alert applications and in order to break the chain of coronavirus infections and save lives – Brussels explained in a note – an interoperability gateway service is being created that connects the national applications throughout the Unone “.

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