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“To date, there is no longer trust between the majority and the prime minister. The prime minister wasted it. It has to be rebuilt ”. So Ettore Rosato, vice president of the Chamber and coordinator of Italia viva a Sky. “This problem is solved by the prime minister or for us this government is finished,” he adds. “We need to build a relationship of majority trust that no longer exists today. Conte has wasted the confidence he had. “
Rosato points out that “not even the ministers of the 5-star Movement appreciated that the prime minister sent the breakdown of the 210 billion of the recovery fund at two in the morning without discussing it with anyone, secreting the projects, to approve them at nine in the Council of Ministers. This broke our trust. So, either the prime minister says what his path is for the next few months or for us this government is a finished experience ”. And he adds: “Renzi does not list the resignations of the ministers, but the ministers have them ready.”
The coordinator of Italia viva later explains: “We need collegiality, not a man
just in command. This country has never supported them alone in command ”.