“Italy is the protagonist of this vaccine, because the viral vector is produced in the Irbm of Pomezia and because the filling will be done with the Anagni Catalent,” he added before thanking “the men and women of the national service. The confinement” . in our country it worked and the behavior of the Italians, as well as the decisions of the government, managed to bend the curve and still give us a significant advantage over the vast majority of European countries ”.
In the speech he also spoke of the young people: “I have reached out to our children several times. Far from us any form of demonization, but we must ask them to give us a hand. They continue to be a means of contagion of the virus, parents and children. grandparents would pay a much more significant price. ” Also because if on the one hand there is a very strong decrease in the age of those infected, now the average is around 29 years compared to 61 this winter, “the government’s horizon is the reopening of all schools in September”, the restart security is our main objective and we will not leave the protagonists alone: there will be a significant presence and 11 million masks a day ”.
And speaking of school and masks, the minister added that “they are mandatory, you go to school with masks. But we divide the dynamic moments, in which there are concrete risks of closer contacts between the students, and static moments, in which the student is standing still, he has a distance of at least one meter from the others, at that moment he can go down. This measure can be reviewed in relation to the epidemiological curve, but the health authorities will evaluate it. ”
Compared with the previous information, he added, “the European epidemiological picture has deteriorated significantly, with a gradual increase in the number of infections. I will propose reciprocity in the controls to the rest of the countries.”
Basically, in the next Dpcm we will confirm the general system “of the last Dpcm that expires on September 7, said the Health Minister. The three rules are confirmed: correct use of masks, spacing of at least one meter and compliance with basic standards hygiene from hand washing. They are three real pillars on which the entire scientific and international community agrees. “” This is not a political contest, three essential rules that must accompany us in this phase of coexistence with the virus “, Speranza said. In addition, he added regarding the reunification of binational couples, “we have probably found a solution and my hope is that within this Dpcm a positive response can come to this legitimate request that also comes from many couples who live the price of one division of a lot of time “.