Rome, August 31, 2020 – The problem of school restart in times of Coronavirus emergency, either in Italy that in the rest of European countries – was approached in a summit with 53 countries promoted by Italy on schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic. At the end of the meeting, the WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans kluge and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in a joint statement they explained the first point of the assumed commitments: to create a “coalition of states members “to” move forward together to implement the best possible measures on the provision of a safe school education for all. “In essence: school is important, we have to start over.
Meanwhile, on the departure date, the Regions proceed in no particular order, with Campania, Abruzzo and Basilicata oriented to slide to 24 the start date of the lessons (as you already decided Friuli, Sardinia, Puglia and Calabria), also to facilitate the electoral operations planned for the weekend of September 21.
The president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella enters the merits by emphasizing that the school is “a decisive resource for the future of Italy, and also the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte He assures that this is also the government’s priority, underlining that the school is one of the sectors most penalized by Covid. For his part thewho denounces that the pandemic has caused “the greatest disruption of educational systems in history, which affects 1.6 billion students in 190 countries “.
Eventually, new data emerged from the Immuni app, which was downloaded by 5.3 million people.
FOCUS / Covid, today’s newsletter in Italy
Hope and Online Lessons
Kluge and Speranza promote online teaching in particular situations. In particular, “it is realistic to prepare and plan for the availability of online learning to complement school learning in the next school year.”
Necessary in case of temporary closings, or during episodic quarantine, or as a complement to school learning in circumstances in which children alternate school attendance to meet the needs of physical distancing in smaller classrooms ”.
Paw: everyone does their part
“All countries wonder about the use of masks for children, if they are small is not possible or not – says the undersecretary Sandra Zampa – I think that we will be able to respond effectively but it is clear that we are facing the most complex challenge, because explaining to a child that he should not hug his partner is not really a very simple thing ”.
“I’m convinced that parents should and can give a big hand – He stressed – but above all I would like to make one point clear: the country must work together, we cannot respond to a gigantic problem like Covid just because the state intervenes, each of us must do our part: citizens, travelers, teachers, adolescentsWe even ask the children for a commitment and then we must be the first to put something else on and resist until the arrival of a vaccine ”.
Azzolina’s letter to prof
On the eve of the reopening of the school, Minister Lucía Azzolina sends a letter to the teachers, principals and all the school staff. “Despite what some say, you never stoppedIndeed – he writes among other things – you have started to run even faster, to ensure didactic continuity and not lose contact with your students. I want Thank you one by one for the efforts made and for what you will do. “
“Our students need certainties, and certainties are built from their teachers,” he adds, underlining that “often simplified narratives have emerged, sometimes alarmist, almost always. unfair to school staffAnd finally confirms his war against the ‘chicken coop classes’.
Doctors: more evidence against the second wave
The closure of the school, as well as the lockdown measures, have reduced the number of contacts and therefore the transmission of the virus. However, these measures can cause damage both to the education of children and young people, interacting in their physical and mental development, as well as to parents, who cannot go to work, and therefore, consequently, also to the economic system. This is what the Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care states in a note: “It is documented by projective studies – explains Simg president, Claudio Cricelli – that if preventive measures are not taken promptly, schools will reopen It may be jointly responsible for a second wave of Covid infections, scheduled for December 2020. ”
For this reason, Cricelli, on behalf of the entire Simg, has made a series of proposals, addressed to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, to ensure a reopening and stable continuity of educational activities in the country, which can be summarized in the following points:
1 – proactively applying the teaching staff to the execution of serological test for epidemiological purposes, explaining the meaning to teachers, also providing material for further study
2 – inform i young students and all parents on the need for prophylactic measures during classes and recreational activities, and on the danger of contacts between students and fragile people such as grandparents, sick, fragile and vulnerable people
3 – promote among teachers and students, in agreement with the local health authorities, actions, including experimental ones, for the execution of tests that track the spread of the virus in the school environment (rapid saliva tests, pool tests, etc.).
Verbania, 6 students in isolation
Does the Verbania case, where six students are in quarantine, all asymptomatic, after having had contact with a teacher who tested positive. “There are only two classrooms, plus a closed corridor to sanitize the facilities of the Cobianchi institute”, underlines Giandomenico Albertella, general director of school construction in the province of Verbano Cusio Ossola, intervening to attenuate the echo raised by the published information note. on the Institute’s website. Albertella explains that “the province does not have jurisdiction in health matters but it cannot be said that the entire institute is closed.” Confirmed that only one case of positivity was found, the area to be sanitized was delimited in the ASL indication. The 6 students who had contact with the teacher are in quarantine: all are asymptomatic. There are no restrictions for the other 5 children who took the qualification exam in classrooms other than the 6 in quarantine. “The lessons at the ‘Cobianchi – confirmed by the Verbania City Council – will start regularly on September 14.”
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