
The first reckoning will take place tomorrow at the assembly of parliamentary groups. Troops already deployed and divided just around the corner. Next to Di Maio, returning to dictate the line, is the ruling wing ‘that presses in the convocation of the States General as soon as possible (and not be diluted in several stages), in the strengthening of the alliance with the dem (also for the next administrative and for policies ) and in a collegiate body that can take the reins of Movement. And if you run it, you will have to do it for some kind of acclaim. “There is no going back at all,” her parents clearly warn.
Regional elections 2020, Lega, Salvini trial: enough with Papeete and recycled. Prime Minister Idea Zaia
Giorgia Meloni: «Salvini? Whoever of us gets the most votes will go to Palazzo Chigi “
On the other side of the fence there By Battista Who yesterday hit hard with those who always read Di Maio celebrated by the Yes to the court of the parliamentarians, considering that in the regional “M5S suffered the most painful defeat in history.” With Dibba are the Orthodox, exponents of the old greenish-yellow government like Lezzi, Toninelli and Grillo, a dozen deputies and a small patrol in the Senate where, however, the numbers for the majority are already scarce. M5S is on the edge of a ravine, so much so that in these hours the founder Grillo has returned to make himself heard with phone calls and messages to avoid internal ruptures and even the president of the Chamber Fico, who by giving reason to those who emphasize how he has been the Movement. “They lost the elections”, invites a debate of ideas and not on who should be at the wheel of the car.
Di Maio, after a dinner with the loyal Spadafora, Bonafede and Fraccaro, yesterday returned to advocate for the cause of “enough with the third way.” The analysis starts from the Pomigliano model where it has maintained the axis with the Democrats and thus in other municipalities, especially in Campania. “There has been a strong polarization of the vote. The three-way scheme didn’t work. We must take into account the fact that when we are in a coalition, we often do better in polls. And that should also make us evaluate agreements with civic lists, “says the foreign minister who wastes no time.
Faced with the eventuality of a web event led by Casaleggio, the Dimaiani are willing to repeat the motto used in the squares for their opponents: “Honesty”. The honesty that this thesis lacks in those who refer to Gianroberto’s son would like a Movement in the hands of activists with Di Battista in the role of custodian of the creed. The third charge invited the duelists to lay down their arms: «It is necessary – his call – to question everything in order to move forward, to look at ourselves. When we have said these things, without wars between gangs and personalities and self-centeredness, then we can take a path ”. The States General? “They are permanent, not commercial.” The solution? «The responsibility for the faults and the merits is collective. We need a collegiate government. And I’m always ready to lend a hand. Words that, however, do not lower the tension.
Di Battista’s reading of the elections is ruthless: “We have lost everywhere, we have lost alone and in alliances.” In her opinion, it is useless to talk about leadership: «For M5S it is a question of identity and community. We have lost not only the votes, but also the activists. Without them there is nothing left. “In this chaos, with Bugani, an exponent of the old guard, near Casaleggo and today with Raggi – who also puts the burden of the nineties on us (” There is no reason to rejoice, we have lost two million of votes in 8 years, “he says), the ministers are also the target.” They didn’t even bring us a vote, “the refrain of the malpancisti who feel left out. The reorganization is tempting for everyone, but opening the construction site for Government restructuring can be dangerous. It would be better to try to distribute the tasks of the organizational side between Lezzi and others, to weaken Di Battista. It will be a war of numbers, with the risk of becoming increasingly divided.
Last updated: 06:51