
Enrico Nicoletti died in Rome, the cashier of the Magliana gang. S.I died at 84 in a Roman clinic. He suffered from serious health problems. The news was given by the AdnKronos agency.
A life between arrests and luxury, villas and criminal actions, in that Rome where for years he commanded the criminal holding company of the Banda della Magliana. Several times in prison, possessor of the goods and wealth accumulated by the fierce organization that sowed blood and death in Rome in the 70s, Nicoletti, like a gangster of yesteryear, loved ostentatious luxury. As evidenced by his house with a park, later confiscated and destined by the Capitol in 2005 as the headquarters of the Jazz house. In fact, Nicoletti, originally from Monte San Giovanni Campano, in the province of Frosinone, was actually the owner of Villa Osio, a late 1930s complex surrounded by greenery, in via di Porta Ardeatina, transformed by himself with manic meticulous detail in a kind of palace, with marble, stucco, and two-seater whirlpool bathtubs with gold taps: Gomorrah stuff but before litteram.
Luxury and, in his own way, elegance: the cane as a support and as a habit, he loved to wear white from Panama to shoes. Indeed, it is said that in the village he had huge shoe racks, made to measure, to store all his shoes. Blank, of course. Nicoletti is also referred to as a character linked to the last leader of the Magliana Band, Enrico De Pedis, known as Renatino, who was murdered in February 1990.
And he also inherited some real estate that belonged to the employer. Nicoletti’s career starts from the bottom, when in the 60s he earned money entrusted to him by the inhabitants of his Centocelle neighborhood. Then the qualitative leap in the 70s in the Banda della Magliana that in a short time had control of all the criminal activities of the capital: from simple robberies, expanded activities to kidnappings, to control of the game and horse racing, strikes of vault and, above all, drug trafficking. Since those years, Nicoletti’s criminal career, between one arrest and another, has not stopped.
If you have seen the series Romanzo Criminale, you will surely remember Il Secco, real name Claudio Usignoli, in the film played by Stefano Fresi and in the Vincenzo Tanassi series, inspired by the figure of Enrico Nicoletti. In the film, it is about a singer who, thanks to his ability to make money, the Lebanese offer him the possibility of reinvesting the money obtained by the gang thanks to drug trafficking; Their channels consist of a usury tour, their possibility of transferring, thanks to the tours, capitals abroad and their participation in the Terrible heroin trafficking channel.
Vincenzo Tanassi in the role of Secco in Romanzo Criminale
He will become the gang’s cashier but, after the death of the Lebanese man, he will appropriate part of his funds, and despite Frío’s order to kill him, he will reach an agreement with Dandi to convince him to participate in the new channel. of drugs. with China and favoring Uncle Carlo’s intention to make him the new leader of the gang. In the series he is a Roman arranger who, at the suggestion of the Nembo Kid, comes into contact with the gang to make his capital cede, and his role, despite Freddo’s opposite opinion, will lead him to take Trentadenari’s place as the gang’s cashier. After the death of the Lebanese, he will continue to develop his activity, also helping Dandi to find Patrizia, who moved to Ancona together with Ranocchia, using his two henchmen Nercio and Botola, but at the same time organizing drug trafficking from China outside the territory. band. The Dandy will begin to suspect these non-gang drug movements and, after Secco luckily escapes from an attack and Nercio is found dead and Botola, the Mouse, his accomplice in the new traffic, threatens to reveal what he is. He knows Dandi and the Secco tries to kill him but fails and the Mouse reveals everything to the boss, trusting in his gratitude, but the latter fires him and will also save Secco’s life, in exchange for his promise to double his capital in three months. From that moment on, Il Secco will follow Dandi in all his deeds, including the period in which he is in prison, and, over the years, also confirming the hostile attitude of Patrizia, meanwhile turned into his wife , will conspire against him, becoming an accessory to his murder, committed by Bufalo and Fierolocchio, who meanwhile have created a new “battery”, financed by Secco.
Last updated: 20:33