End of decree never | The HuffPost


Let’s do it at night. In fact, no, the pre-council technicians are not ready yet. Come on, let’s speed up, the rules are ready. Better tomorrow, come on. Are you sure we can’t do it tonight? This is what happens in the Chigi Palace and the Treasury between six in the afternoon and a quarter past ten in the afternoon. An endless decision on whether or not to convene at night, the Cabinet called to approve the relaunch decree. The one announced in March for April, then postponed in May and finally renamed with a bombastic name because on May 12 we can no longer trust the label of the month. In the end, the decision is made to postpone, one more, the next day.

A Council before the river, a Council of Ministers dancing. Another postponement was decided at ten o’clock at night.

The meeting of technicians who have to finalize the final text continues throughout the day. At eight o’clock at night, the government tries to understand if the game can be closed and go to the Council of Ministers. But there is controversy over the regularization of migrants, with the 5 stars on the barricades, to pollute the climate that would be necessary to sit around a table and deliberate. And there is a coverage problem, which has already arisen in recent days, and remained there among the more than four hundred pages of the maxi-decree. The perimeter of the 55 billion fresh money to be assigned by the measure is defined, but the square is missing. Just think of the new entry for the Irap cut, which arrived on Monday night, and adds a deficit of $ 4 billion. The problem is the financing of the new weeks of dismissal and those that were left behind because the resources of Cura Italia were not enough. The solution is to spread the possibility of companies requesting layoffs in two tranches between now and October, but the unions are at the door, ready to protest. All this pile of difficulties leads, at half past eight at night, to say that the Council of Ministers will no longer be in the night. The decision is filtered through the Palazzo Chigi.

At 9:20 pm, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, live at La7, talks about a possible Council of Ministers at night because, he says, the knots are “loose.” Ministers remain on hold for a call. He takes time at the Treasury. A minister reveals HuffPost: “We are ready, I hope the CDM is done at night, but I’m afraid not.” At ten past ten, sources from the Ministry of Economy reiterated that “all the knots have been resolved and the final text is being prepared that incorporates all the technical changes agreed to in the pre-council.” Rumors of coverage problems are denied. But it was decided that everything would be postponed until Wednesday. The work of the council continues. At 10.43 pm, it depends on the sources of the Palazzo Chigi: “The political agreement on the measures contained in the decree has been reached. The pre-council is still ongoing and will finish the examination of the various rules in the next few hours. The high number of norms and the complexity of the measures are delaying the time of the pre-council. ” The lock: “The Council of Ministers is postponed until tomorrow.” Game over.

The endless story of a measure announced in March and not yet approved

This is a long story, very long indeed. The story of a decree still awaiting government approval. This is the history of dates and deadlines that have gradually evaporated, of the expected and never convened Councils of Ministers, of drafts, of written, canceled and rewritten rules, of nightly majority summits and tests of strength with those who pressed from abroad of the building. Here is the story of money for Italians affected by the pandemic. Those of May and the arrears of April.

March 16

The Council of Ministers launches the Cura Italia decree, the first economic measure to deal with the emergence of the coronavirus. Inside there are 25 billion aid for doctors, workers, families, companies and civil protection. The Vice Minister of Economy, Antonio Misiani, announces: “It is only the first step. This is the March decree, then the April decree. It will be a double impact maneuver compared to the last budget law.”

March 18th

The debate within the government heats up over the footprint that will be given to the April decree. The 5 stars are pressing for a refinancing of the measures approved with Cura Italia, expanding the network of subsidies, while the Treasury works for phase 2 of the economic strategy. The keywords in via XX Settembre are investments, unlocking of construction sites, enhanced golden power to protect strategic companies from foreign incursions.

March 24th

Audience of the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri before the Budget committees of the House and the Senate. The minister says: “We are fully aware” that the March law decree “is only the first in a series of measures and, therefore, we are committed to defining the” subsequent provision, the April law decree, which “we consider operational even before the conclusion of the ‘parliamentary process of the march dl.’ Parliament’s final approval for the March decree will come on April 24.

March 29

April is upon us, but the decree is not seen. Laura Castelli, Deputy Minister of Economy, updates the calendar: “We will close the decree within the first ten days of April, so that we can launch it between 12 and 13.”

March 30th

The idea of ​​an emergency income is emerging to help temporary workers, housewives, caregivers, seasonal and illegal workers. It is the first new measure expected in the April decree. Labor Minister Nunzia Catalfo announces three billion for the measure and a duration of support of three months.

6 of April

The Council of Ministers approves the liquidity decree for companies, which provides state guarantees to cover up to 750 billion in commercial loans. It is a preview of the April decree because the rules for aid to workers, families, health, school, sports and tourism are not yet ready. Therefore, the government must choose to unpack. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the press conference: “We are already preparing measures that will allow our country to start again with strength and regain lost ground and react in the best possible way.”

April 13th

The Council of Ministers, announced by the Deputy Minister Castelli, is not held.

April 15

The new date for approval of the April decree is April 22, but the budget variation must first be approved to cover the cost of the measures.

April 18th

Hypothesis of a Council of Ministers to launch the budget variation, necessary to finance the decree. In the end, the CDM is not maintained.

April 22

Council of Ministers for budget deviation. It is not done again.

Night summit at the Treasury to find the square in the deviation.

April 24

New meeting between Conte, Gualtieri and the heads of the majority delegations on diversion.

The Council of Ministers approves the variation of the budget.

April 30th

First draft of the decree, still called the April decree. 22 pages, 44 articles.

May 4

Interview by Carlo Bonomi, President of Confindustria, with Corriere della Sera: “Then we can continue like this for a month, two, three. But if we do not invest in the production sector, the situation will be dramatic. “The industrialists request to cancel the measures that provide for a state intervention in the companies and request the reduction of taxes.

Night summit between Conte, Gualtieri and the heads of the majority delegations. Trade rules are frozen. It was decided that we should first confront Confindustria and the unions.

Change your emergency income. The hypotheses of the last days are confirmed, which had reduced the allocation from 3 to 1 billion.

May 5th

The CGIL, CISL and UIL general secretaries participate in a videoconference with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Economy. The hypothesis arises of a cut in working hours for the same salary.

Meeting between the ministers Bellanova, Lamorgese, Catalfo and Provenzano for the regularization of farmers, caretakers and housewives. At the table are representatives of all the majority parties. The 5 stars want to postpone everything to an ad hoc decree. If this is not the case, your objective is to reduce the duration of the residence permit as much as possible and to restrict the number of authorized persons.

May 6th

The hypothesis of a cut in working hours for the same wages is replaced by the remodeling of the same time. The business package is the focus of a video meeting between the government, Confindustria and other business associations. In the field there is the hypothesis of a triple support: non-reimbursable money for companies of up to 5 million, recapitalization of half capital for those between 5 and 250 million, loans convertible into public shares for those above 250 million. business tax.

May 7

The rules for companies are changing. Recapitalization halfway between the state and companies leaves room for incentives for recapitalization in the form of tax exemptions for capital increases.

The ministers alerted the CDM, which however is not maintained.

May 8

766 pages of ministry requests arrive at the Prime Minister’s desk. For the first time, the wording of the relaunch decree appears. The rules include a vacation voucher of up to 500 euros, in the form of a tax credit, for the neediest families, with an ISSE of up to 35 thousand euros.

Del Palazzo Chigi new notice to ministers for a CDM on May 9.

May 9

The Council of Ministers meets, but to approve the release decree.

May 10

Second draft of the decree: 258 articles, 434 pages. There are no cuts in IRAP, the tax on production activities paid by companies.

New meeting between Conte, Gualtieri and the majority heads of delegation. It starts at four in the afternoon and ends at one in the morning. At ten o’clock at night, the minister announced to What’s the weather like, in Rai3, the suspension of the payment of the balance of Irap in June.

During the meeting, an agreement is reached for the regularizations. Two channels. The first establishes that the employer and the worker regularize an existing employment relationship, even if they are submerged and even if the worker has not been allowed to stay. The employer is guaranteed not to be informed, but must pay a lump sum of approximately 400 euros to the INPS. The second channel, on the other hand, offers a residence permit, for a period of six months, only and exclusively to those who have a residence permit expired since October 2019.

The pre-council meeting is called for May 11 at 11.

May 11

Third draft, 12.30: 258 articles, 454 pages. Fourth draft, 5.30 pm.

In the third, the vacation bonus changes: the Isee bar rises from 35,000 to 50,000 euros. And also in the third draft, the Irap cut for companies with between 5 and 250 million billing appears for the first time and with a 33% drop in billing in April compared to April last year. In the fourth, the rule is canceled. Only the phrase “to be defined” appears. When it is late at night, Treasury technicians rewrite the standard: cut without cuttings for companies with a turnover of up to 250 million. In the midst of negotiating with Confindustria.

The 5-star movement distances itself from the agreement on regularizations. Carlo Sibilia, Undersecretary of the Interior at 5 years: “For us it is not closed, there are no agreements for me and there is an open debate in the M5S and with the political leader Vito Crimi.”

The rule for the bicycle bonus changes, initially established at 70% of the expenses incurred and in any case not exceeding 500 euros. The new regulation says that the bonus will be equal to 60%, but it will also apply to previously excluded capitals, as well as to metropolitan cities.

The pre-council of ministers, established at 11, is postponed to 14 and then to 18. At eight o’clock in the afternoon, Gualtieri announces that the pre-council of ministers will be there in the afternoon and that it will be very long. Following the CDM. The pre-council meeting begins at 8:30 p.m. and ends at 1 a.m.

May 12

The pre-council meeting, which stopped overnight, resumed around 11:40. The official convocation of the Council of Ministers does not arrive. An evening gathering is supposed.
