The decision is up in the air. Now, however, the probability of a harsher blockade from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, in line with that launched by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, they become more and more concrete as the hours go by.
That’s what the governor hinted Michele Emiliano in one of his regular television appearances on national networks. A few words that leave no room for doubt: “Given that between December 24 and January 7 there is a substantial slowdown in life and therefore there is a risk of unnecessary aggregations, they decided to give a new blow to the contagions that they send to country to the red ”, said the president of the Region during the broadcast of the Afternoon Five broadcast by the Mediaset networks.
Closing at Christmas, Conte’s commitment: red zone in the days prior to holidays and holidays from December 24 to January 3
by Tommaso Ciriaco

The reference is to Palazzo Chigi: “They asked the governors what we thought and we were very happy, because it is the only way not to risk an outbreak of infections from January 7,” said Emiliano. At the end of the day, he added, “starting again as usual on January 7, reopening everything, is a great risk: I told Minister Boccia this morning. Prudence and gradualness are very important, you have to be pragmatic “.
The image is constantly changing. The meeting began around 1 p.m. between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the ministers Francesco Boccia (Regional affairs), Luciana Lamorgese (Internal) e Teresa Bellanova (Agrarian Policies), with the Undersecretary of the Prime Minister, Riccardo Fraccaro, and the majority heads of delegation were suspended around 6 in the afternoon. It will resume in the afternoon, when the summary will probably arrive, hence a decision.
Christmas, this is what you can and cannot do with “red” or “orange”: dinner with relatives, mass or a trip out of town
by Alessandra Ziniti

According to Emiliano, the rigorous line of the health ministers, Roberto Speranzaand Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, found recognition from the audience of governors. But the die is not cast (yet): “They are examining all the hypotheses on the table. And a mediation will be found between the positions in the field, as always happens in these cases,” they say from Palazzo Chigi. Among the supporters of the blockade of the German model is Boccia, in fact. Who on Facebook, on the eve of the summit, wrote: “No life is an acceptable cost. Our children will ask us if we have done everything possible to save lives and not vacations, business or a dinner.”