Bologna, November 13, 2020 – Emilia romagna orange zone? For the second time in a few days our region is in danger of change the color. The day the governor Stefano bonaccini, tired of COVID-19, announced that they have the bilateral pneumonia, the evaluation by the Cts (Scientific Technical Committee), pandemic tracking data from Coronavirus
According to what has been learned, the data provided by our Region would be compatible with the measurements of the orange zone, as well as those of the Market and Friuli Venezia Giulia. Tuscany, on the other hand, could turn “red.”
Newsletter, Covid data from Emilia Romagna from November 13
What changes with the orange zone? In addition to the measures already in force, there are travel forbidden incoming and outgoing from one Region to another and from one Municipality to another, except for proven reasons for work, study, health, need. With the recommendation to avoid unnecessary trips during the day within your municipality.
furthermore, the closing of bars and restaurants, 7 days a week Take out allowed until 10 pm There are no restrictions on home delivery.
Yesterday the governor signed an ordinance with restrictive measures, only to avoid color change, with limitations that mainly concern the shops and consumption in bars and restaurants. Ordinance in force from November 14 to December 3.
The decision on the colors of the regions should come in the next few hours. It is not known when the possible orange zone will take effect. In the case, this does not mean that the regional ordinance is repealed: the parts that are not in conflict will be maintained. For example, stores are closed on Sundays or weekend restrictions for medium and large stores.
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