Emilia-Romagna, the covid bulletin: 110 new cases, one death. Hospitalizations are increasing


BOLOGNA – One death (a 90-year-old woman from Modena) and 110 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours in Emilia-Romagna. 8,400 swabs, 2,700 serological tests were performed. Active cases number 4,277.

Of the 110 new cases, 48 ​​are asymptomatic. There are 18 new infections linked to returns from abroad, 2 from other Italian regions. The average age of new positives today is 40.6 years.


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A Bologna In the province there are 17 new positives (2 hospitalized and 15 in home isolation): 12 largely attributable to known outbreaks (family and work environment), while 5 are sporadic cases. Of the total of 17 cases, 11 subjects were already isolated.
In the province of ParmaOf the 14 new positive cases, 6 were identified through contact tracing; 3 are patients with symptoms, while 2 refer to returns from abroad (respectively from Albania and Moldova). In one case, it was about a person who was leaving abroad (Chile) on a business trip; another case of positivity is related to a volunteer of the medical transport. Finally, a case arose after the selection.
In Reggiano of 10 new positive cases, 6 are attributable to family outbreaks; one case is a return from abroad (Albania), another arose after the selection, 2 are attributable to an outbreak of friends. The 10 cases are in home isolation.
In ModeneseOf 20 new positives, 4 returned from abroad (2 from Albania, one from Moldova, one from France); 2 returned from another Italian region, while 11 cases are related to known family outbreaks. Finally, three were classified as sporadic.
In the province of Ferrara, of 14 new positives, 4 returned from abroad (3 from Albania, one from Morocco); 5 were identified as contacts of already known cases, attributable to family outbreaks. A smear was performed on the 3 new positives due to the presence of symptoms (of these, one was hospitalized; another positive case was identified after the smear performed before admission). Finally, a positive emerged from the evaluation of the company.
Twelve new cases a Ravenna and province, 9 in home isolation and 3 hospitalized. Of the total, 8 were contacts of already known cases, of which 5 in the family context; 2 sporadic, arising after the manifestation of symptoms; two other cases eventually returned from abroad (one from Macedonia and the other from Tunisia).

In summary, since the beginning of the pandemic 33,972 cases have been registered in Emilia-Romagna; 25,224 people are cured, while active cases rise to 4,277: 4,078 in isolation at home, 21 in intensive care (2 more than yesterday), while the number of hospitalized in other Covid departments is 178 (+4) . up to 4471.
Covid cases in the area: 4,921 in Piacenza (+2, of which 1 symptomatic), 4,142 in Parma (+14, of which 5 symptomatic), 5,638 in Reggio Emilia (+10, of which 5 symptomatic), 4,743 in Modena (+20, of which 14 symptomatic), 6,033 in Bologna (+17, of which 10 symptomatic), 544 in Imola (+1, symptomatic), Ferrara 1,360 (+14, of which 5 symptomatic) , in Ravenna 1,694 (+ 12, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,283 in Forlì (+3, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,079 in Cesena (+8, of which 5 symptomatic) and 2,535 in Rimini (+9, of which 8 symptomatic).
