Emilia-Romagna, one foot inside the orange zone


BOLOGNA – New restrictive measures are approaching in Emilia-Romagna, which would add to, and partly annul, the regional ordinance issued yesterday and effective as of tomorrow. According to data relating to the period from November 2 to 8, Emilia-Romagna runs the risk of strongly changing its color and going from the yellow zone to the orange, a destination that it would share with Friuli and Marche, which would link Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria , Puglia. , Sicily and Umbria. Instead, the orange zone of Veneto escaped, which yesterday issued a substantially identical ordinance with Friuli and Emilia.

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The passage in the band with greater restrictions, the red one, in which Campania and Tuscany end, was avoided. This is the indication that comes out of the control room of the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health, and that must be validated by the CTS. With the orange zone, it is no longer possible to travel outside the municipality of residence (except for proven work and health reasons), and bars and restaurants must remain closed.

The provision

New coronavirus Dpcm: red, orange and yellow regions. What is prohibited in each range, download the self-certification

by Silvio Buzzanca
